
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Brock Birchfield Killed at Andrews Lumber Company's Choga Camp, 1915

Brock Birchfield Killed at Choga,” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, May 21, 1915
Last night at about 10 o’clock news reached here to the effect that Andy Williams, an employee of the Andrews Lumber Company, had shot and killed Brock Birchfield, a fellow employee.
From the report it seems that Williams and Birchfield were employed at the Choga Camp of the Andrews Lumber Company, and that yesterday afternoon some difficulty arose between the two which would apparently end in a fight but was finally settled to the satisfaction of both.
From the report it seems that Birchfield came to the camp where Williams was staying and on inquiring for Williams was told that he was in bed. Birchfield then started in the direction of Williams and before he reached the bed was shot three times by Williams, dying almost instantly.
Williams immediately surrendered to the officers and was carried to Franklin and lodged in jail.
                --Andrews Sun

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