
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Elaine Johnson Nominates Her Mother for Mother of the Year, 1951

The Statesville Landmark invited nominations for Mother of the Year in May 1951. The following letter from Elaine Johnson nominates her mother, Mrs. Claude C. Johnson.
My mother, Mrs. Claude C. Johnson of New Hope, I nominate as Iredell Mother of the Year. I sincerely believe that you cannot find, in all the world, a more deserving mother.
She has been a member of the Baptist church since her early girlhood. She graduated at the Harmony school and on July 4, 1936, she married Mr. Claude C. Johnson. They were married 13 years before his accidental death, October, 1949. Left a widow with five small children, she has been mother and father in the home and has done, and continues to do, a wonderful job. She has many friends and is an ever-willing neighbor. Her ability to sew, to cook and to can has helped in many ways in her own family and with others too.
I nominate my mother, Mrs. Claude C. Johnson as Iredell Mother of the Year.
                --Elaine Johnson

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