
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Local News from Hickory, N.C., May 1917

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 2, 1917

Local and Personal
Mr. Cedric Dellinger is spending the day in Lenoir on business.
Mr. Brem Bonner left this morning for Marion to spend several days on business.
The Needlecraft Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 with Mrs. Beverly Sustare.
Mr. E.R. Wainwright of Ashville, formerly owner of the Pastime Theatre, was a business visitor to the city today.
Mr. Burgan Witherspoon left this morning for Charlotte to take the examination for the officers’ training camp at Oglethorpe, Ga.
Mr. Claud Fox of North Iredell, who has been visiting relatives in Hickory for several days, returned home this evening.
All who can sing are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. J. Worth Elliott’s Thursday evening at 8 o’clock to practice songs for the celebration of the opening of the white way.*
About 12 couples enjoyed a most delightful dance given last evening by the young men of Hickory in the Chero-Cola Building. Music was furnished by a Victrola and delicious punch was served throughout the evening.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. W.A. Hall entertained about 25 children in celebration of the fifth birthday of her youngest son, Master Rufus Bryan Hall. Games were played for an hour and afterward delicious ice cream was served. The birthday cake with its five candles was at one end of the table and from a Jack Horner pie,** placed in the center of the table, each child drew a souvenir.
On Tuesday afternoon the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was entertained at the home of Mrs. W.H. Barkley with Mrs. Barkley, Mrs. J.F. Miller, Mrs. M. M. Sigmon and Mrs. B.F. Campbell as hostesses. The topic for the afternoon was “The World Goes into the Neglected Continent.” The next meeting will be held with Mrs. P. Suttlemyer.

*A section of downtown was getting streetlights. The section of town that was lit at night used to be called the "white way." 
**A Jack Horner pie was a pie-shaped container that contained favors or little toys. Each child would pull a ribbon and draw out a souvenir of the party. 

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