
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Gossip Column from Brevard College Newspaper, 1936

From The Clarion, Brevard College, Friday, May 22, 1936
Bobby has worked that power line on another girl.
Who said she would give the Virginia Lodge girls a nickel each if they wouldn’t dress as boys to come to amateur night?
Those boys who went on the camping trip declare that they certainly had it hard Saturday night—what with sleeping on floors and chewing that beef steak.
Bernice is Pattoning her time now.
There was more than one lonesome last week, for the basketball team was away a long time.
Who is the girl who would like to date Funderburk? She’s dark-haired, brown-eyed and is from West Asheville.
Arney has offered J.R. so much competition that J.R. has stepped out of the picture.
Johnnie McLeod doesn’t lack rings. If she doesn’t wear one, she has another.
Why did Creasman and Dillard leave church Sunday? Something about a song book. Ask them.
That waiting line the other night was girls expecting ‘phone calls. Some had luck and some didn’t.
Goforth sent Jack on an egg hunt Sunday afternoon. He found an egg for her, so that night she had a nice boiled egg sandwich, except there was no bread.
Annie Ruth and Gene are still that way about each other, even if they have been dating all year. Rather unusual.
Whose picture was that Sylvester was so tenderly carrying around on a pillow?
The Mnemosyean-Delphian party was much fun. Dark corners included.
Virginia Lodge must have been crowded Sunday night. Anyway, most of the West Hall girls had to study. Study??

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