
Friday, May 12, 2017

Hickory Home Fire Caused by Defective Flue, 1917

From the Hickory Daily Record, May 2, 1917

Fire This Morning Caused Some Damage

Fire this morning at 8:45 did damage amounting to between $400 and $500, Chief Yoder estimated, to the residence on Ninth Avenue occupied by Capt. L.C. Furman. Most of the damage was caused by water.

The blaze started between the ceiling and roof of the house and was hard for the firemen to get at. It had made considerable headway before it was discovered, and for a few minutes the firemen worked desperately to put the fire out. A defective flue was held responsible.

Mrs. Furman and Mrs. C.R. Howell, who room there, both were ill, and the excitement affected them adversely.

The house is owned by Mrs. H.C. Dixon.

Although Chief Lentz, who was at the station when the alarm came in, rang the bell as vigorously as possible, firemen said later that a new alarm is needed. The sound of the bell does not carry far enough, and it is difficult to make the members hear it.

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