
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

American Soldiers Wildly Cheered as They March Through Paris, 1917

“American Soldiers in Paris for Fourth Wildly Greeted by French Girls,” July 3, 1917, The Hickory Daily Record

By the Associated Press

Paris, July 3—A battalion of American troops arrived in Paris this morning to parade on July 4. The Americans were greeted by wildly cheering crowds as they marched through the streets.
The officers are being entertained at the military clubs.

The Americans arrived at 7:30 o’clock, having been 36 hours on their way from the port where they disembarked.

The French Red Cross provided refreshments and the American Red Cross and the Y.M.C.A. also sent representatives to welcome the troops.

Headed by their own band, the soldiers carrying their rifles and sealed packs, fell in line and marched off to their barracks. Hundreds of Americans joined in the welcome.

As the troops marched through the streets French girls pinned bouquets and American flags on the soldiers’ breasts. Flowers were scattered along the route. The band played Yankee Doodle, Dixie and other American airs.

French soldiers on leave shook the hands of the Americans.

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