
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Families Across the State Coming to Raleigh for Farm and Home Week, 1941

Beasley’s Farm and Home Weekly, Charlotte, N.C., July 31, 1941

Farm People Invited to State College Meet

From officials of the North Carolina State College comes a cordial invitation to farm folks of this and other counties to attend the 38th annual Farm and Home Week starting next Monday, August 4. Accompanying the invitation is an offer to provide a room in one of the college dormatories for the entire week for only $1.00.

The invitation is signed, first by Col. John W. Harrelson, administrative dean of the college; and by Dr. O.I. Schaub, director, John W. Goodman, assistant director, and Miss Ruth Current, State Home Agent of the State College Extension Service.

An attractive program has been arranged for the farm people. It includes talks at joint assemblies of farm men and women by Governor J.M. Broughton, Col. Charles M. Busbee of Fort Bragg, Dr. Helen Mitchell, director of nutrition for the Federal Security Agency; Edward Scheidt, special FBI agent of Charlotte; and Dr. Sankey L. Blanton, Baptist minister of Wilmington.

Bayard Clark, representative from the Seventh Congressional district, will address the 20th annual meeting of the N.C. Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs on Thursday. Miss Margaret Edwards, head of the home economics department of the Woman’s College at Greensboro, will speak on the Honor Day program Friday.

Special conferences for men are scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and classes in a great variety of homemaking subjects will be conducted for women Tuesday and Wednesday.

Group singing, led by Jack F. Griswell, will be held each night, and quiz programs will be conducted by F.H. Jeter on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. An amateur program is planned Thursday night.

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