
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mention Around the Mills, from the Fieldcrest Mill Whistle, July 20, 1942

Fieldcrest Mill Whistle, July 20, 1942.

Mention Around the Mills


The following correspondents have been selected for the purpose of gathering news from their respective mills. Any news item—about yourself, your family, your friends and neighbors—should be given to them. Don’t be bashful; people like to read about you just as much as you like to read about them.

Blanket: Mrs. Katherine Turner

Sheeting: Warren Hubbard

Bedspread: Morell Connor

Finishing: Mrs. Lois Hill

Central Warehouse: Mrs. Maybud Stanley

Rayon: Ray Warner

Bleachery: Miss Georgia Thomas

Office: Howard Sheffield

Woollen: Mrs. Maggie M. Harris

Towel: Mrs. Virginia Witt Williams

Hosiery: C.D. Looney

Karastan: Miss Dorothy Manley

Blanket Mill

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Strutton and Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Hailey and Son, Hassell, attended the funeral of Mrs. Hailey’s aunt, Mrs. Archer Moonan, in Baltimore, Md., last week. Before returning home they spent several days in Washington, D.C.

Claude Gillie of the Marines spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Gillie.

James Manuel of the army spent last week with his mother and other relatives.

Pfc. Edward Ferguson spent several days in town visiting friends and relatives.

Lawson Talbott of Durham spent the weekend with his mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blackwell and children, and Bernice and Francis Gilbert, and Bernice Burch spent Sunday at Fairystone Park.

Sergeant Nathan Powell of Fort Bragg spent last weekend with his wife and parents.

Ed Hurd of the army spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hurd.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd and Miss Gertie Meeks of Schoolfield were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gauldin.

Mr. and Mrs. Walton Hamrick of Fayetteville are visiting Mrs. Hamrick’s mother, Mrs. Gladys Leary.

Sheeting Mill

Mrs. George Voss and children and Master Ted Gaudlin were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams motored to Fairy Stone Park, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Stophel spent the holidays with friends and relatives in Tennessee.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker and family spent last weekend in Vesta, Va.

Eugene Pruitt of the navy visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Pruitt recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Samuels and family visited relatives here last weekend.

Word received recently from Kessler Field, Miss. One of the largest air force technical schools, states that Dewey Melton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Melton, has recently been promoted from corporal to sergeant. Sergeant Melton, formerly a professional baseball player, has a host of friends who are glad to know he is doing so well with Uncle Sam.

Mrs. Fred Rippy and children of Charlotte has accepted a position here and is making her home with her mother, Mrs. Annie Wilson.

Bedspread Mill

Bradley Murray, who has been in the hospital for an appendectomy, will be able to return to his home Friday. We are glad to hear of his rapid improvement and hope he will be at work soon.

Doris Barnes has gone to New York to visit her husband, Everett, who is employed in an anti-aircraft plant there. “Keep ‘em falling (the enemy), Everett.”

The rest of the page was damaged, so I don’t know what was in the rest of the column about Mrs. Nannie Gilley, Mrs. Cora Brannon and Ann Murphy.

Towel Mill

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Shaw announce the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Alyne, to William Grover Golightly. The marriage will be solemnized in the near future. Miss Shaw is employed in the Towel Mill office and Mr. Golightly is connected with the Martinsville Broadcasting Co.

The Health League and Fellowship Club held its regular monthly meeting last week at the Fieldale Y.M.C.A. club room, with Mrs. T.F. Wilson hostess. After the business session a stork shower was presented to Mrs. George Merriman. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The club plans to hold its annual picnic Saturday evening, July 19, 7 o’clock at the Fieldale baseball park.

Our popular sewing room foreman, E. Sherrill, reports that he believes he is just about the best gardener in the county. He raises a double crop of vegetables from one planting. Everyone that doubts this may call on Mr. Sherrill and he will be glad to show them his Irish potato planting, with a crop of something that resembles tomatoes growing on the vines and, of course, he has a crop of potatoes under the ground.

Rev. Z.V. Mason has concluded a successful revival at Salem church in Patrick county. The baptismal service was held at George’s Mill, Mayo River, yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock, with 11 candidates for baptism. Mr. Mason assisted in a revival at the Methodist church here a few weeks ago.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Robbins attended a family reunion last Sunday at the Fredell farm about eight miles north of Fieldale.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Pickup were among the visitors at Fairy Stone Park, Sunday.

Our community is saddened by the death of C. Kelly Harrell, which occurred last Thursday afternoon while he was at work in the mill. Mr. Harrell was a loom-fixer and had been a loyal employee of the Towel Mill for many years. He was a good citizen and well liked by everyone. Survivors include his wife and two children.

Sgt. Hobart Gusler of Camp Pickett, Blackstone, Va., was called to Fieldale during the weekend on account of the illness of his wife. Mrs. Gusler has been quite ill for several days but her condition is now somewhat improved.

Mesdames Willie Sawyer, Bill Barbour, Lyle McAlexander and Hughes Martin visited their husbands at Norfolk Saturday and Sunday, returning to Fieldale Sunday evening.

Frederick Stilwell, formerly connected with the packing room and now with the U.S. Navy, has been transferred from Newport, Rhode Island, to Great Lakes, Illinois. He will attend a machinist school at that place.

Hosiery Mill

Robie B. McFarland, a knitter employed in the Hosiery Mill, is leaving for officers’ training this week. He also has the distinct honor of being the first employee of the mills in the manufacturing division to obtain and have delivered to him a U.S. War Bond purchased through the payroll deduction plan. This action further exemplifies the loyalty and patriotism that Robie has always shown towards things pertaining to the successful promotion of our war efforts. Such characteristics will be of particular value to him as he develops into a military officer.

Edgar D. Ferguson of the U.S. Navy was recently promoted from water tender, second class, to water tender, first class.

Messrs. Morris N. Eggleston and Walter Hale were the first employees of the Hosiery Mill to subscribe for war bonds. Both of these young men as well as many of their associates were very anxious to “slap the Dirty Little Jap” by putting their savings into the purchase of war bonds for the promotion of the war campaign.

Mrs. Evelyn Ferguson of the Hosiery Mills has just returned from Philadelphia where she spent a week with her husband, Edgar D. Ferguson, USN.

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