
Monday, July 10, 2017

Canning Vegetables Is Part of the War Effort, Says Flora McDonald, 1941

Beasley’s Farm and Home Weekly, Charlotte, N.C., July 31, 1941

Home Notes by Miss Flora McDonald

With the entire resources of our nation directed toward a united defense program, the health and morale of the great American people is of utmost importance.

Food has always played a vital role in winning or losing of war. It is equally vital in winning and keeping peace.

A well-balanced diet of good, wholesome, nourishing foods is vitally necessary to buoyant health.

Because the women are now determined to meet the challenge that calls for an adequate diet the year ‘round, they are turning to home canning with greater interest than ever before. The recent rains have produced an abundance of beans, corn, lima beans, okra, tomatoes, etc. The Moore County home maker should can the surplus.

The amount of canned foods needed for one person for the non-productive months is as follows: 32 quarts of vegetables, 24 quarts of fruits, 10 quarts canned meats, 1 quart kraut, 1 quart pickles, 1 quart relish, 2 quarts preserves, 1 quart jelly, 2 quarts jam, 10 pounds dried vegetables, and 8 pounds dried fruits.

Canning Vegetables

For canned tomatoes, select only ripe tomatoes. Blanch for one minute. The skin may then be removed easily. Do not peel any more than may be immediately canned, as tomatoes ferment quickly.
Be careful to remove the hard part of the tomato with a sharp knife at stem end. Pack into cans as many whole tomatoes as possible, cutting them only when they are too large to slip in. Fill can to within ¼ inch of top, press gently and shake down fruit to fill crevices.

A level teaspoon of sugar and a level teaspoon of salt added to a No. 3 can or quart jar of tomatoes improves the flavor of the product.

Use no water with tomatoes. If the can is properly filled the juice will be sufficient.

Process No. 3 tin cans 22 minutes.

When canning tomatoes in glass jars, fill quite full and process quart jars 25 minutes.

String beans: To can string beans, select those that are young and tender and which have few strings. The green pod stringless is a good variety. If the beans are gathered when young and tender, and the strings removed, a good product results. Snap the beans at both ends, string, and place in a thin cotton bag, and dip into boiling water from 3 to 5 minutes. This improves the flavor of the beans and allows more to be packed in a can. Pack closely to within ¼ inch of the top, and fill with hot water. Add 1 level tablespoonful of salt. String beans are a non-acid vegetable and should processed with steam under pressure. If no pressure cooker is available, the young tender beans can be processed for an hour and 30 minutes in a hot water canner. If the beans are older and small beans have formed, process for three hours. Do not can mature beans. Process in a pressure cooker 30 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.

Soup mixture: Corn, butterbeans and okra are difficult to can in a hot-water canner without spoiling unless they are combined with tomatoes, as the acid in tomatoes helps to destroy the bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended that they be made into soup mixture unless a pressure cooker is available.

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