
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Lena Kendrick, James Dart Hobbs Marry, 1919

The Eagle, Cherryville, N.C., August 7, 1919

Hobbs-Kendrick Wedding
One of the most brilliant weddings of the season was solemnized last Wednesday evening at 9 o’clock in the First Baptist Church here when Miss Lena Kendrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Kendrick became the bride of James Dart Hobbs of Bessemer City.

The church was beautifully decorated in rainbow colors with ivy-twined arches over the aisles and improvised altar.

Before the ceremony Haywood Kendrick, brother of the bride, accompanied by Miss Lois Kendrick, sang, “I Love You Truly” and “O, Promise Me.” Then to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, the bridal party entered. The bridesmaids were gowned in lovely creations of sheer organdy and carrying pink Killarney roses entered, the groomsmen meeting them from the opposite aisle. Miss Madge Summitt with Garrie Kendrick, brother of the bride, Miss Mable Browne with H.H. Allen, Miss Mildred Farris with Hazel Browne, Miss Lula Kennedy of Bessemer City with Lake Hobbs, brother of the groom. Miss Annie Lee Craft of Wadesboro, maid of honor, entered, dressed in yellow organdy with hat to match. Miss Craft also carried pink Killarney roses.

Preceding the bride, little Miss Margaret Summer, niece of the bride, dressed in dainty white organdy, entered bearing the ring in a cluster of bride roses, as the flower girls, Annie Sue McDowell and Hattie Bess Kendrick in net trimmed in satin ribbon and tulle and carrying baskets of white roses and pink rose petals came down opposite aisles.

On the arm of her father, the bride in a lovely dress of white pussy willow satin trimmed in pearls and a court train falling in graceful folds, entered the church and was met at the altar by the groom attended by S.Q. McCraw as best man. The bride’s veil was coronet style and she carried a bouquet of bride roses. The impressive ring ceremony was used by Rev. D.F. Putnam, pastor of the bride.

The group’s present to the bride was a handsome necklace of pearls. The many beautiful and costly presents of linen, silver and cut glass attest the esteem in which this happy young couple are held by their many friends throughout North Carolina and other states.

The bride is the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Kendrick, having received her education at Meredith College. The groom is a most successful business man who gave up his business here to enter the army and has just recently returned from France. He will resume his work here the first of September, opening a dry goods store in the building he formerly operated.

Immediately after the ceremony the couple, accompanied by the bridal party, left in automobiles for Charlotte. From there they left for Washington and other northern points.

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