
Monday, September 18, 2017

Gaston Means' Case Now With Cabarrus Grand Jury, 1917

“Gaston Means’ Case Now With Cabarrus Grand Jury,” from the Oct. 30, 1917, issue of the Monroe Journal.

 Solicitor Clement Asks for “Bill of Indictment Charging Murder…Many Witnesses Arrive From the North

Concord, Oct. 29—Hayden Clement, solicitor for the 15th judicial district, of which Cabarrus County is a party, today asked the Cabarrus grand jury to return a true bill against Gaston Bullock Means, charging him with the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, whose death occurred at Blackwelder Springs a few miles from this city, exactly two months ago today.

Means, since a preliminary hearing on September 25, has been confined in the county jail here to await the action of the grand jury at this term of court. This body was chosen today with O.S. Farrar, a local business man, as foreman, and after disposing of several less important cases went into the Means case this afternoon, examining three of the state’s witnesses.

The presence here of witnesses from New York and Chicago added much interest to the case. From the office of District Attorney Swann, of New York, there are here Assistant District Attorney john T. Dooling, Dr. Otto Schultze, pathologist, and Detective William Jones, as well as Pistol Expert William J. Jones of New York.

Witnesses from Chicago include Dr. William H. Burmeister, physician to the coroner of Cook County, Ill., and Detective Sergeant George B. Schrivener. It was the former who performed the autopsy on the body of Mrs. King after it had been exhumed in Chicago.

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