
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Kiwanians Fete Hickory Teachers, Lenoir College Faculty, 1922

“Teachers Night Observed by Kiwanians,” from the Hickory Daily Record, October 4, 1922.

With the faculty of Lenoir College and the teachers of the Hickory public schools as guests, the Kiwanis Club put on one of its big nights at its weekly dinner and spilled Pollyanna stuff left and right. Practically every place was occupied and some of the youngest newly-weds among the Kiwanians insisted that they were single as they sat with a pretty teacher on either side. He who did not enjoy his partner was without one—that’s all.

The evening started out with spirit. It was the first meeting at which Donald T. Applegate, the new president, has presided over in his official capacity and he did the honors in style. The company sang America, Dr. John C. Perry asked the divine blessing and the rest of the dinner hour was enlivened with song. Smiles went strong before the crowd packed up their troubles.

Ray Abernethy, who have Alfred Moretz credit for working out the details, had charge of the program. He asked the members of the college faculty and the teacher to introduce themselves and as the 60 or more arose they were greeted with a glad hand. The high school orchestra, good last year and better this year, furnished music and the young musicians were given a round of applause as they presented themselves.

The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion, streamers running from chandelier to chandelier, noise-makers and balloon furnished by Everette Johnson being in evidence, and the eateries, the Central Café, serving an unusually good meal.

Miss Rosa Lee Dixon drew the attendance prize. A song by Miss Bertha Deaton called for another and then Miss Virginia Allen sang one of Rob Roy Peery’s compositions, Mrs. R.S. Brown being at the piano.

President Peery spoke briefly of the work at the college, called attention to football practice and the game with Guilford Saturday and invited Hickory people to attend. He expressed his appreciation for the greater interest shown in the college by the community generally.

Dr. Peery was followed by Superintendent Carver of the city schools who expressed his thanks for the interest shown in the schools and the teachers.

Dr. R.L. Fritz, who has seen Lenoir College grow from a high school to a first class college, told of the beginnings of the institution, its gradual rise to a place of prominence in the educational life of the community and state and asserted that its larger growth was assured. He said that a graduate of the college may register for the graduate course at the University of North Carolina or any other southern university and that students from here invariably do well at the university.

Miss Bouchelle gave a pretty toast and the company adjourned.

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