
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lakeview News from Vass Pilot, 1924

“Lakeview News” from the Friday, October 24, 1924, issue of The Pilot, Vass, N.C.

Mr. J.R. McQueen is away on a business trip to Richmond, Va.

Mesdames A.C. Cox and Guerney Richardson spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hendren in Pinehurst.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Woolley were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. McNeill Sunday.

Mr. Raymond Johnson was a caller in town Sunday evening.

Misses Helene Doughterty, Elsie Coffey, Alice Littlefield and Mrs. W.H. Coffey were visitors in Eureka Monday afternoon.

Mr. Richard Griffin of Hamlet was a pleasant visitor in town Sunday afternoon.

Misses Loula and Johnsie Eastwood, Messrs. Marvin Woodard Hiram McInnis and Steadman Ballard were the guests of Miss Ollie Seagroves of Farmville Sunday.

Miss Selma Smith had as callers Sunday afternoon Miss Vivian Mathews of Vass and Mr. Robert Leslie of N.C. State College.

Mr. J.B. Eastwood made a business trip to Sanford Tuesday.

Mesdames J.R. McQueen and W.H. McNeill spent Monday in Raleigh shopping.

Mr. Mayo of Hamlet has taken charge of the depot.

Miss Elsie had as her luncheon guest Mrs. Lloyd Woolley on Tuesday of this week.

The revival started last Monday night and an unusually large crowd attended. Mr. John Tyson is leading the singing, and now everybody knows that we are having excellent singing.

Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Blue and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McFadyen of Lobelia Sunday.

Mr. L.M. Seward is painting his house and fixing the grounds until it looks like a new place.

Messrs. Haywood and Thaddeus Fry of Carthage were visitors in town Sunday afternoon.

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