
Thursday, October 12, 2017

'Social & Personal' Column from Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 4, 1922

From the “Social & Personal” Column in the Hickory Daily Record, October 4, 1922. A spreading adder snake is called an Eastern hognose snake and is harmless.

Mrs. D.A. Whisnant of Granit Falls was a Hickory visitor today.

Mrs. P.A. Healan of Lenoir is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John W. Moose.

Mrs. D.W. Holder, who was taken ill Saturday evening, is improving and was able to sit up today.

Mrs. Chas. Fort of Gastonia, who had her tonsils removed at Dr. Speas’ hospital Monday, is much improved.

Miss Beatrice Cobb was among the Morganton people her for the fair yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. H. B. Long went to Hildebran today to spend the day with Mrs. Pearl Lipe.

Mrs. F.L. Averill and little daughter of Raleigh are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Currie.

Mrs. S.L. Whitener, who has been ill since Monday, was somewhat improved today.

Miss Maye Bloomer will arrive from Asheville today to be the guest of Mrs. E.B. Justice.

Mrs. E.A. Taylor and Miss Margaret Taylor returned yesterday from Blowing Rock where they spent the summer.

Mrs. A.Y. Sigmon killed a full-grown spreading adder one day last week. She found the reptile in her back yard.

Mr. and Mrs. M.R. Rudisill of Henry River and Mrs. W.H. Little and son, Franklin, spent Monday in Lincolnton.

Owing to the fair being in progress this week the Business and Professional Women’s Club will not meet until Thursday of next week.

Mrs. Geo. C. Yoder is spending today in Newton with Mrs. L.F. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Long will leave tomorrow for California to spend the winter.

Mrs. T.W. Ebeltoft and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ebeltoft of Shelby, left yesterday after being guests for several days of Mrs. J.L. Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hall.

The meeting of Circle No. 2 of the First Methodist Church has been postponed until the second Thursday in October. Mrs. P.C. Sharpe will be hostess at her home on Eighth Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stone and Mrs. M.L. Widenhouse of Concord are expected in the city today to visit Mrs. Daisy Stone. Thursday Mrs. Stone and guests will motor to Blowing Rock to spend the day.

Rev. S.B. Stroup has returned from a six weeks’ trip to Portland and the west coast, where he attended the meeting of General Convention and visited many interesting points along the way, both going and coming home. His trip from Portland was by way of the Canadian Rockies. He reports a fine trip, but is delighted to be home again. He will take charge of the services beginning tonight.

Clean Up Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Clean-Up Thursday in Hickory. The city wagons will remove all trash left near the street in boxes or other containers. If you have any trash, be ready for them.

Mrs. Simpson Returns

Mrs. R.E. Simpson returned Monday night from Roseacres, Miss., where she was called on account of the critical illness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. S.W. Crowell.

Mrs. Crowell passed away on Tuesday evening of last week. The deceased was the window of the late S.W. Crowell, a brother of Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. T.A. Mott of Hickory and Mr. A.H. Crowell of Newton. Mr. Crowell, who was a member of one of the most prominent families in this section, died a year or more ago.

Mrs. Bowman Hostess

Yesterday afternoon Mrs. D.P. Bowman was hostess at an unusually interesting and enjoyable meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, this being the regular monthly meeting.

Mrs. Bowman’s home was beautifully decorated throughout with choice fall flowers, their vivid colorings blending prettily with the foliage and enhancing the attractive interior of the rooms in which the guests were received.

Mrs. P.C. Setzer was cordially welcomed as a new member.

The afternoon’s program was in the charge of Mrs. D.L. Russell who efficiently brought out some important and interesting facts in the lesson. The business meeting which followed was conducted by the president.

Thirty-two members were present and welcome visitors were Mrs. J.M. Deal, Mrs. Clarence Seagle, Mrs. R.K. Webb and Mrs. Tom Setzer. During the social period following the program and business, the hostess served a delicious ice course and Mrs. Setzer, Mrs. T. Bowman and little Miss Helen Flowers assisted. The next meeting will be held the first Tuesday afternoon in November.

Holy Trinity Lutheran

No services tonight as the pastor, Rev. Chas. R.W. Kegley and family are in Charlotte for a few days.

For Visiting Missionaries

Monday afternoon Mrs. G.F. Ivey opened her beautiful new home on Thirteenth Avenue to the ladies of the Methodist Church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Stewart and family, missionaries to Japan, who are visiting in the states.

Mrs. Ivey, Mrs. Nobel Shumate and Mrs. Laurie Deal welcomed the guests at the door and invited them into rooms which were exquisitely decorated with golden rod, cosmos and potted plants.

Dr. N.J. Wright led in the devotional after which a quartet was sung by Mrs. Ivey, Mrs. Thos. Golden, Mrs. O. Simmons and Miss Edward Clemnet. Mrs. J.W. Shuford, president of the Missionary Society gave a few words of introduction, followed by Mrs. Stewart who told very interestingly of the beginning of their work in Japan. Mr. Stewart followed and told of the plans for future work which occasioned his visit to the United States to lay his plans before the board. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were both heard with interest as they told of Japan, her customs and her people.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and family gave two sons in the Japanese language after which they entered into a conversation in the native tongue. During these exercises the children were dressed in Japanese costume, heightening the effect and giving an air of realism to the sons and dialogues.

At the close of the afternoon, punch and wafers were served by Mrs. C.R. Watson who presided over the punch bowl assisted by Mrs. Laurie Deal, Miss Estelle Wolfe and Miss Edward Clement.

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