
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Statesville Sentinal Endorses R.L. Doughton, 1914

Statesville Sentinal Endorses R.L. Doughton, October, 1914

Practically every one in this congressional district knows Hon. R.L. Doughton who ably represents it in Congress. He is a worker, a tireless worker for his district and people, his state and national, and is a sterling democrat.

Congressman Doughton is a farmer and business man by profession. He was appointed a member of the Board of Agriculture by Governor Aycock in 1903 and served six years. He was appointed a member of the board of directors of the state prison by Gov. Kitchen in 1909 and served until the beginning of his term in Congress, March 4, 1911. In these difficult positions he drew wide attention for his earnest and able work.

He was elected to the State Senate in 1908.

In 1910 he was elected to the 62nd Congress. He served on the committee on banking and currency and expenditures in the Department of Agriculture, winning the commendation of his associates. He was again elected to the 63rd Congress. He is chairman of the Committee on expenditures in the Agriculture Department, also a member of the committee on Roads and committee on Education. He is trying to make a specialty of pushing good roads legislation, and is a commanding figure in congress in that work. He is also deeply interested in all matters pertaining to the welfare and uplift of the agricultural interests of the country.

Congressman Doughton, all over his district is recognized as a man who is deeply devoted to the advancement and betterment of our farmers, seeking always to aid in very move which will aid them. The latch string of his door in Washington is always outside.

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