
Monday, October 16, 2017

West Hickory Mentions, October 31, 1916

“West Hickory Items,” from the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 31, 1916.

The Ivey Mill Company sure did some shipping during the week. They shipped 106 bales averaging 1,750 yards to the bale.

Mr. Charlie Jones, who has been second hand in the spinning room several years, resigned his work and moved to Altavista, Va., to take an overseer’s job there.

Miss Captola Beck, who is taking a course at Kings Business College in Charlotte, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Beck.

Miss Minnie Abee spent several days at Drexel last week visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. Mart Abee of Altavistas, Va. Is here at present visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Abee.
Mr. G.T. Barger is attending federal court at Salisbury this week as a juror.

Mr. Will Lackey, who has been here several weeks visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Lackey, left for his home in Michigan Friday.

Mrs. Moore of Henrietta is spending several days with Mrs. R.F. Hicks.

Miss Jimmie Abernethy went to Chesterlee, S.C., one day last week.

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