
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Red Cross Christmas Seals to Raise Money to Treat Tuberculosis in North Carolina, 1917

“North Carolina’s Part in Seal Sale is $40,000, Treble Sales of Last Year,” from the Nov. 7, 1917, issue of The French Broad Hustler

To sell three times as many Red Cross Christmas seals this year as last year is the plan of the American Red Cross and the National Tuberculosis Association in their efforts to meet the increased demands that will be made upon them as anti-tuberculosis agencies. It is estimated from the experience of France and other warring nations that war more than trebles the amount of tuberculosis unless adequate provision have been made against it. It is this precaution and measures of prevention that these agencies are endeavoring to take.

Three million dollars is the amount expected from the sale of seals this year. This requires that every agency work to make results three times as large as those last year. North Carolina will be expected to raise near $40,000 as her proportionate part. Last year the value of the seals was $12,063. The year before it was $8,033.

In the Red Cross Seal campaign this year the mail sale plan will be largely adopted. The three-cent postage rate will not seriously affect the plan as first-class letters mailed for local delivery within the territory of the post office where they are mailed will be delivered by city and rural carriers for two-cent postage. Arrangement can be made to send letters in bulk to local representatives of various post offices to be mailed. The plan may require more agents working in the fight against tuberculosis but so much greater will be the returns in interest as well as in the amount of money raised.

All Red Cross Seal agents and those interested are requested to formulate plans for the greatest sale they have ever made.

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