
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Scotland Neck Claims M.D. Allsbrook Is Oldest Voter in the State, 1916

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Friday, Nov. 24, 1916

Oldest Voter in North Carolina is Mr. M.D. Allsbrook

The News & Observer recently stated that the oldest voter in the State was a resident of Harnett county, who was 94 years old and had always voted the democratic ticket.

Scotland Neck can go our contemporary one better, for we have with us Mr. M.D. Allsbrook, who is 96 years old, has voted for 75 years, and has never scratched the democratic ticket.

Mr. Allsbrook’s oldest son is 75 years of age, his next 72 years of age, and the two others, the youngest being over 65 years, all of them good and consistent democrats.

Three of these sons, together with their father, served through the Civil War in the confederate army, representing their township and state with distinction.

This we believe is the record, and certainly carries the palm from the News and Observer’s Harnett county man.

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