
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Comments From the High Point Review, 1911

“High Point Review” from the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., December 22, 1911

--Butter and eggs are high again, but something always is.

--The right place to censor postcards is in the manufactories.

--Winter is acting as if it has found the right place to settle down.

--It is suspected that somebody at the Medicine Hat has left the door open.

--Military experts have devised a gun for killing aviators. But what’s the point?

--This is the time for the cold weather prophets to shout that they told us so.

--California’s first woman jury acquitted an editor. He must have been a good looking feller.

--Another aeronaut threatens to fly across the Atlantic. He is said to be a good swimmer.

--Sometimes a man goes through the life as a dictator and sometimes he marries his stenographer.

--A York, Pa., man ate a live mouse, there being now accounting for tastes, as we have said before.

--It must be a great experience to be engaged to a girl who can say “I love you” in 54 languages.

--Dr. Wiley says that American cooking is the worst in the world. Eating must be an awful chore to Dr. Wiley.

--Once more tailors and coal dealers are taking some interest in life. Also trade in thermometers is brisk again.

--A Chicago man who has been hairless for 50 years now has a full beard, easy as a pork millionaire acquiring culture.

--Sea captain in love with a Maryland maid eloped by mistake with her twin sister. However, it’s all in the family.

--A college professor advises all men to wear whiskers. Evidently he has been cut up by a barber and wants to get even.

--We see by the papers that an Indiana girl was hurt playing football. Evidently she was training to be a suffragette.

--A Philadelphia clergyman says that no business man can be honest. All isn’t gospel that is dealt out from some pulpits.

--A New Hampshire manufacturer of 77 has married a girl bookkeeper, so his estate will be straightened up properly.

--If the boxing game continues to lose its popularity it will soon be necessary for our boxers to join their brethren in China.

--The man who rocks the boat, having had a chance to rest up a bit, is now engaged in dragging the gun through the bushes.

--An Andover professor complains because Harvard men sit up when they pray, but how he would complain if they sat up to play cards!

--A college professor announces that the earth will cease revolving in 5321. Now then some game sport ought to bet him a million that it won’t!

--Chicago proposes to give all the streets names easy to pronounce. But that won’t make any difference with the conductors who call them off.

--Connecticut grave digger, 85 years old, celebrated his birthday by digging his own grave. Some people have queer ideas of amusement.

--The young fellow in Massachusetts who has reached the age of 21 without having kissed a girl may be a virtuous youth, but it strikes us that his early education has been neglected.

--The earth, we are told, will be habitable for the next 10,000,000 years. This announcement will case a feeling of relief among those who have been thinking of leasing apartments on Mars.

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