
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Jane McKimmon Club Christmas Party, Other Social News From Rockingham, N.C., 1921

“Route 3 News” from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921

The Jane McKimmon club held its regular meeting Friday with Mrs. Florence Covington. It was decided at the meeting that everybody bring a 10 cent present to the Xmas tree at the Harrington school house Dec. 26th, and the present anyone brings will be given to some one else, and someone else’s present will go to you. As you enter the door, you hand your 10 cent present to a committee composed of Mrs. Ralph Hutchison and Misses Effie Ingram and Chloe Covington. They will take your present and put some one else’s name on it, and take some one else’s present and put your name on it, so in this way everybody will get a present, and no one will be slighted. Then other presents for friends and relatives may be given without going through the committee’s hands. The club adjourned to meet on Friday after Xmas with Mrs. Lowe. Then we go next day down to Wolf Pit, and with several other clubs, to have a big time.

The Misses Covington who are teaching away will return the latter part of the week to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Covington. Miss Catherine from Albermarle and Miss Ethel from Fairmont will arrive Thursday night. It is doubtful whether Miss Pratt can come; she holds a responsible position at Goldsboro in the Odd Fellows Orphanage.

The Maske’s are going to move. We hate to give them up, but hope they will be pleased with their new home.

Miss Effie Ingram returned last week from a visit since the last of November to her aunt, Mrs. Long, in Lilesville.

Rev. Mr. Bruce Benton preached an able sermon Sunday p.m. at Cartledge’s Creek. He is preaching for us till we can secure a pastor, and we are indeed glad to have him.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Graham have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Graham.

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