
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Company News From Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., 1918

From Trench and Camp, printed weekly for the Y.M.C.A. by courtesy of the Charlotte Observer for Camp Greene, Charlotte, N.C., February 4, 1918

Gallant Company H, 58th Infantry

Corporal Marshall, who has just come back from a five-day furlough, is all the time talking of what he did while he was at home. Every morning when he gets up out of his bed he says, “Gee, but I wish that I was back where I was this time last week.”

Corporal Miller sleeps in the corner of the tent with a large hole in it right over his head. When it rains Corporal Miller stays up that night, praying for it to stop raining. He also has a hole in the seat of his trousers, and he was too lazy to take them off, but got a looking glass and laid it on his bunk while he looked in it to sew his trousers.

Corporal Hosley has been thinking a lot of getting married since we have been quarantined, as only the married men are able to go to town twice a week, and he thinks if he gets married he will be able to go down also. He is growing a mustache or is trying to. He has the fuzz on his face like that of a peach.

Private Gilbert Showalter, who would like to be an expert rifleman but can’t, is doing very well as he is wearing first class private chevrons.

Jess Willard has not a thing on Fat Willams, as he is some boy. He weighs about 20 pounds. Fat has charge of the second squad, and if they do as much fighting over in France as they do here in the company, they will not need the rest of the company at all.

“H” Company, 39th Infantry

Private Akermans is one busy man these days with his officers. Lurdburg is back and Cremmens is also on the job but leg and a half can’t move very fast.

We are still laughing at the jokes Sunny Jim Melendy pulls. Some line—that boy.

Ex-Barber Reilly is now assistant cook. Some promotion for our Irish barber.

G.M. Choan & Co. is getting into whip again. Too bad that outfit can’t get a crack at Keith’s.

All the boys are beginning to snap into it now. We won out in baseball and football, and we are going to win out in drill as well.

Mud or no mud we challenge any company in the entire regiment to any kind of sport, makes no difference what.

We don’t mind the quarantine so much after all. H company can make themselves comfortable no matter what comes.

Notes of Company L, 58th Infantry

The machine gun battalion boys have left us for their new camp at Camp One and we hope they will like it. Good luck boys.

Several of our boys are in the base hospital and we hope that they will be out soon.

Mechanic “Red” Buriel is back with us after an extended visit to his home in Philadelphia, and he reports that the town is not as lively as it used to be.

Private Leffhowitz is out again after being sick for some time and his ever smiling face is welcome.

Ex-Cook Price is doing well as a private in the line. Private Westfall is acting cook in his place.

Ask Corporal Lowers how he likes Salisbury, N.C.

“F” Company is under guard again. What is the matter with you fellows? Somebody put the jinx on your trail again?

“H” Company, 15th Infantry

The fourth squad has attracted the entire company by hanging out a sign which reads: “washing taken in on Sundays only.”

When it comes to a busy squad see the third. For a pass time you might ask one member of the outfit how he did when he was discharged.

Tony Kay is somewhat at home these days as he is a constant man with the pick and shovel brigade.
According to Private Runke he is a very busy man when he writes Mich Carter. Of course, “Fat” has something to say about this.

Corporal Marshall is suffering from a severe attack of heart trouble along now. He has just been married.

The lightning squad is expecting the flying Irishman back from his pass in a few days.

Huskey is also to return this week to that lightning outfit. Then it should be at war strength.

A few days ago two men standing in ranks were called “Dusty” and “Weary Willie.” And the joke is the man who was called dusty is an old timer of six months service.

It is reported that the lightning squad is again on the war path. Dust and Weary Willie are responsible for this.

There is also a certain sergeant who is on the same war path. Something seems to have gotten his goat.

H company has traveled all over the world during the last week. Our famous musician is responsible for this stuff. There is a rumor every half hour. Very good Eddie.

News From Company “G”, 47th Infantry

Private Earle Henley left for his home in Jonesboro, N.C., last week on a seven-day pass. The home folk will surely be glad to see him.

Private Ward Newman blushingly came back from old New York with nothing but a smile on his face. Corporal Stevenson nearly died of lonesomeness while he was gone.

It is “on again, off again” with Privates Pursley and Laplante.

A suggestion for art: Corporal Addoninzio at night, with his head wrapped up in that spaghetti scarf.

Up to this writing, no one has drowned in the mud, but another foot or so if it may turn the trick.

Winsome Otto James is the niftiest little company agent in the army, but simply detests being disturbed at night.

It is reported with much pleasure that Mechanic Edward E. Johnson is greatly improved, and since the arrival of his wife last Saturday, has made great strides on the road to recovery.

“Absent from Reveille” draws kitchen police like the bee draws honey from the honeysuckle.

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