
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Make Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School Fulfill Its Mission, 1913

“Is Cullowhee Fulfilling Its Mission?” from the editorial page of the Jackson County Journal, Sylva, N.C., Feb. 14, 1913
Charity and Children, in a recent issue in discussing the proposition of a Western Training School, takes occasion, either without knowledge of the facts or through malice, to knock the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School. It states that “the west has two other training schools, which pull the treasury for a round sum every year. One of these is located at Boone and the other at Cullowhee. We are willing to grant that the latter is not much of a school, being run largely in the interest of the denomination to which the principal belongs, but it costing the people of North Carolina $12,500 a year, and if it is not fulfilling its mission it ought to be made to do so.”
We concur with the opinion of able editor of Charity and Children that if the Cullowhee School is not fulfilling its mission it ought to be made to do so, but we believe that we know the facts, and we contend that the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School is one of the best preparatory schools in the State. It has an able faculty among whom are numbered some of the foremost educators of North Carolina and they are doing a noble work in preparing teachers and educating young men and women of Western Carolina. If the Cullowhee School is being run in the interest of any denomination we have never heard of it. Among both the student body and the faculty are members of several denominations. One teacher being a daughter of one time prominent minister of the denomination to which the editor of Charity and Children belongs.
No, brother, the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School is not conducted in the interest of any denomination, but is working in the cause of humanity and the education of the boys and girls of the mountains and it is to a marked degree fulfilling its mission.


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