
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Chris Jones Shares Local News in Scotland Neck, N.C., 1917

“Local News Items of General Interest,” from the editorial page, March 13, 1917, Scotland Neck Commonwealth. The advertisement for 666, a patent medicine, read “666 cures headaches, biliousness, loss of appetite, foul breath, or that tired aching feeling due to Malaria or Colds. It removes the cause.”
Break your cold or lagrippe with a few doses of 666.
Mr. Joe House was a visitor in Tarboro Sunday.
Mrs. George Hopkins was a visitor in Tarboro the week end.
Miss Ruby Darden spent Saturday and Sunday in Tarboro the guest of Mrs. Braxton Hussey.
Mr. Lynn Wright of Enfield spent Sunday and Monday in town.
Mr. Joe Pittman left on the morning train for Baltimore to purchase spring stock.
Mr. George Korkland left this morning for Goldsboro.
Mr. J.T. Butler returned to his home at Kelford this morning.
Mr. C.B. Hall of Westover Chemical Company, Pennington, N.J., left this morning for Kinston.
Mrs. Cottie Everette was a visitor in Hougood yesterday.
Mr. Charles Lamb left yesterday for Baltimore on business.
Mr. Herbert Woodward left yesterday morning for Wilson.
Mrs. Asa Johnson returned to her home in Hamilton Monday.
Miss Mary Ausbon of Rocky Mount arrived in town yesterday morning on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Cottie Everett.
Rev. B.F. McCall and wife left Monday morning for Scotland County. They expect to return the last of the week.
Mr. W.H. Jackson spent Saturday and Sunday in Enfield visiting his wife who is spending some time with her mother.
Mr. H.G. Elam of Suffolk, who was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray, returned to his home yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Piland returned to their home in Suffolk Monday after spending several days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Allsbrook.
Mrs. A.M. Riddick accompanied by Miss Pearl Jones arrived last evening from Baltimore, where they had been selecting stock for the spring season.
Messrs. W.B. Strickland Jr. and C.M. Malone left yesterday afternoon for New Bern to attend the state convention of the Woodman of the World.
Mr. C.W. Parramore left yesterday on the afternoon train for Kinston on business.
Mr. N.A. Riddick made a trip yesterday to Kelford on business.
Mr. R.C. Josey left this morning on the train for Richmond on business.
Mrs. C. Frank Burroughs left for Richmond today for a few days’ visit with friends.
Mr. J.A. Pittman left on the morning train for Richmond where he will undergo treatment at the hospital.
Dr. O.F. Smith and wife left this morning for Richmond to spend a few days.
Mr. Sam A. Dunn left this morning for a business trip to Richmond.
Misses Earnestine Hyman and Madeline Riddick of Spring Hill were in town for a few hours Saturday.
Mr. T.H. Twisdale of Spring Hill was in town yesterday on business.
Mr. Clarence Parks spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W.A. Norwood in Spring Hill.
Messrs. J.H. and H.H. Riddick were visitors in Spring Hill for a short time Sunday.
Dr. J.C. Thompson of Raleigh, editor of the Biblical Recorder, was a visitor in town Sunday, and preached at the Baptist Church Sunday morning.
Cleo Sumrell is detained at his home with a case of the measles, and the two other members of the family have been compelled to stop school in consequence.
Miss Edith Taylor, who is with Bakers’s Photographic Studio, Washington, N.C., returned Monday morning having spent several days here with her parents.
Mrs. R.B. Hyatt and Miss Bessie Gray of Tarboro spent the week end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray. They drove over to Palmyra Sunday night to connect with the train for home.
To the Patrons of the New York Café
Appreciating the many favors and courtesies shown me by the people of Scotland Neck, I wish to thank my friends for same, and announce that I have sold out my interest in the New York Café to my former partner, Bill Cottas, who will continue the business, and I ask for him the continuance of your patronage.
I have another restaurant, The Ideal Café, in Rocky Mount, and can hereafter be found there. I shall be very glad to see any Scotland Neck people whenever they come to Rocky Mount.
                --Chris Jones

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