
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Dr. S.B. Rozier, Prominent Physician of Robeson County, Dies, 1917

“Dr. S.B. Rozier Passes,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, March 5, 1917

Dr. S.B. Rozier, for 50 years a prominent physician of Robeson County, died at his home, Dick Street, Fayetteville, Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after 10 days’ illness. Deceased is survived by 10 children—seven daughters, Mrs. Mollie R. Norment of Lumberton, Mrs. A.A. Bethune of Lumberton, Mrs. Rosa Lytch of Rowland, Mrs. Sallie McRae of Washington, D.C., and Misses Dora, Minnie and Fannie, who lived with their father—and three sons, Dr. R.G. Rozier of Lumberton, Mr. S.B. Rozier Jr. of St. Paul and Mr. J.B. Rozier, who lives at Fayetteville.
The remains were brought to Lumberton this morning and taken to the family burying ground about four miles from town on the Maxton road, where a brief funeral service was conducted by Rev. I.P. Hedgpeth of Lumberton, pastor of Saddletree Baptist Church, of which deceased had long been a loyal member. The pallbearers were: active, Messrs. Q.T. Williams, C.B. Townsend, K.M. Biggs, John T. Biggs, Alf H. McLeod, H.M. McAllister, W.H. Rozier, A.T. McLean; honorary, Messrs Q.C. Norment, T.A. McNeill Sr., Robert Chaffin, S. McIntyre, R.D. Caldwell and Dr. H.T. Pope. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful.
Dr. Rozier was in his 93rd year and up until 8 years ago lived about 10 miles north of Lumberton and enjoyed a large practice. Up until the time when he divided his property among his children he was one of the wealthiest citizens of the county. He owned about 5,000 acres of real estate.
Dr. Rozier was widely known in Robeson and his friends were numbered by his acquaintances. He spent the greater part of his life administering to the sick and suffering, and his memory will linger in the minds of those who knew him for years to come.

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