
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Augusta Raymond, 4-H Club Member, Will Travel to Washington, D.C., 1927

“Why Farm Life Is Looking Up in Tarheelia,” from The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, April 1, 1927
Miss Augusta Raymond
Two out of 14,000 agricultural and home economics club girls in North Carolina will get free trips to Washington in June as guests of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This newspaper told about one of them, Miss Lela Paul, of Pungo, a few weeks ago. The other one is Miss Augusta Raymond of Hertford County, whose picture appears in this newspaper this week.
Take a good look at Augusta. She is only 17 years old, is well developed for her age, has a hearty appetite, is full of pep, full of delightful and wholesome deviltry, and is always ready for a good time. But when a year’s study of the 14,000 club girls on the farms of North Carolina was completed by State and Federal agents, Augusta Raymond was one of the two girls choses for outstanding leadership.
Augusta Raymond is a born leader and a tireless worker. When asked to take any part of any community activity she never holds back or says that she ‘can’t.’ She responds to any call with a vim, alacrity, and intelligence that easily gives her leadership. Everybody steps aside for Augusta when Augusta is on the job, because they know that Augusts will get the job done. At the same time Augusta can always command all the assistance she needs in any community enterprise because people generally are glad to help those who help themselves and, then too, people naturally follow a cheerful leader.
In conducting club meetings, making public demonstrations or speaking in public, young Miss Raymond is easily at home and can hold an audience against time. At a district meeting of club girls in Washington she gave a public demonstration showing all the required steps in preparing an invalid’s tray. Incidentally she showed her audience how to fix up a dose of castor oil so as to make it palatable, concluding the demonstration by taking the dose herself, licking the spoon and smacking her lips hen the dose went down.
In food preservation, home decoration, cookery, dress making and other domestic activities she is without a peer in her county, making a personal record for which thousands of other club girls on the farms of North Carolina are happily striving.

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