
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

From the Classrooms of Highlands School, April 10, 1942

Class notes from The Mountain Trail, the newspaper of Highlands School, published April 10, 1942.

First Grade

We made Easter baskets in our room this week. We are going to hunt eggs on Monday.
                --Lester Carver

Second Grade

We are going to have a newspaper of our own. It will be printed every day and will be seen on our bulletin board. Our paper will be called “The Tattler” because it tells everything.

We went to Harris Lake on an Easter Egg Hunt. Cleo McCall and Richard Crane won prizes for finding the most eggs. We dyed the eggs ourselves in the school room.

Third Grade

We have finished our scrap books and had them checked. The best ones were Tudor Hall’s, Hazel Johnson’s, Martha Howard’s, and Leon Talley’s.
                --Charles Wood

We had an egg hunt. We had a good time. L.B. Wilson won the prize. The prize was a ball.
                --Hazel Johnson

Fourth Grade

The Fourth Grade enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday afternoon, April the third. The prize winners were Effie Jenkins and Maude Talley.

We took a hike on April the sixth to study Nature. We saw many flowers and birds. We hiked around the Ravanel Lake section.

The Fourth Grade played the Fifth Grade in a game of basketball on April the seventh. They beat us 16 to 2.

Our spring freize is very pretty. In this freize we have tried to catch the spirit of spring. We show how the winds, the rain, the flowers, the birds, and the trees all make up spring. Those who worked on this freize are Effie Jenkins, Hazel McCall, Patsy Hays, Kathleen Potts, Margaret McDowell, L.C. Howard, David Bridgman, Maude Talley, Neville Wilson, Charlie Ray Norton, Martha Holt, Mary B. Cook, and Ray Reese.

At last everybody has finished his geography notebook. The 7th Grade judged them the prize winners were Effie Jenkins and Patsy Hayes, first prizes, and Mary B. Cook, Margaret McDowell, and Hazel McCall, second prizes.

We have a corner in our room where only the best art work goes. We call this our “Art Corner.” Those who have done work worthy of this corner are Vivian McCall, Effie Jenkins, Ray Reese, and David Bridgman.

Fifth Grade

We have nine new books for our library. They are Karoo the Kangaroo, Story Pictures of Transportation, Peter Makes Good, Story Pictures of our Neighbors, Sniffy The Story of a Skunk, Sir Noble the Police Horse, Colonial Twins of Virginia, the Cat and the Kitten, Pioneer Twins, and The Beaver Twins. We are very glad to get them. They are very nice books to read.
                --Bernice Keener

We have elected a new president for our club. Clarence Miller is president, Pauline Crowe is vice-president, and Mary Crunkleton is secretary. We elect officers once every month. We carry our club on daily and hope we can carry it on right.
                --Marveta Crisp

We are having a contest on reading. We all read each day for two weeks. Then we selected the two best ones from them to go on the contest. There were five boys and five girls. We are going to read next Friday to find the best boy and the best girl.
                --Doris Keener

On April 6 we went to the Harborson Lake to have our Easter Egg Hunt and to have a picnic. We enjoyed hunting the eggs and our picnic lunch very much. After lunch we played until it was time to come back to the school.
                --Bernice Keener

Sixth Grade

The Sixth and Fifth Grade boys had a basket ball game the other day. The score was 12 to 10 in favor of the Fifth Grade.

The Sixth Grade went to Sunset April 6 on an Easter Egg Hunt. Mary Gibson found the most eggs.

Seventh Grade

The Seventh Grade seems to be studying much more than they were at the beginning of school. They seem to realize that the end of the term is drawing near. Many of us feel we don’t want to be sitting in here next year.

On March 31 the Seventh Grade Glee Club participated in the play, “The Firebug,” by singing “America.”

We are very glad to have Vella Mae McCall back in school after a few days absences because of illness.

On Monday, April 6, the Seventh Grade enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the orcharge above Trillium Lodge. Harold Pogers won the prize after finding twelve eggs.
                --Doris Hedden

Eight Grade

Miss Musch was very surprised when she came into the room on Wednesday which was April Fool’s Day.

The girls are looking forward to the game with Glenville Friday, April 11. They are looking forward to having team suits next year also.

Ninth Grade

Several of the pupils of the Ninth Grade attended the Presbyterian Rally in Asheville Monday afternoon. They were Nancy Potts, Buddy Thompson, Jack Bridgman, and Maxie Wright.
The books we are required to make in English are due April 15 and they’re driving us wild! We sympathize more and more with the eleventh graders who made magazines and the tenth graders who made newspapers.

We are also enjoying teaching each other literature!!??

Our history class is taking up a complete and thorough study of the World War I. We believe that this study will help us to understand the conditions of the world today to a greater extent.

We can hardly wait for test week to come. That’s the truth but there’s a catch to it. It will mean one more month of school gone. Seven down and one to go!

Tenth Grade

We are very glad to have Leona Norton back to school with us.

The Tenth Grade members have been selling magazines in order to raise money for the Junior-Senior Banquet. A movie was given April 7 for the benefit of the banquet.

We are very sorry to hear that Helena Speed and Marie McCall have stopped school.

Eleventh Grade

All eleventh graders are asked to attend school as regularly as possible for the remainder of the year. 

We won’t mention names but last week about a third of the class had to stay after school and copy for twenty minutes for being tardy so often. No, we aren’t proud of ourselves.

We are really getting anxious about our class rings. How we wish they’d come!!

Marian Norton has bene absent several days this month because of a sickness.

The question that is continually on Malcom Zoellner’s lips is “Why don’t those dames like me?”

All of us are sorry that Alice Gibson is not in school.

Say! Aren’t we glad that Jessie, Reba, Bud, and Mario don’t look at school as they did in The Firebug!

Jessie Potts and Mary Hunt enjoyed a trip to Asheville this week to attend a C.E. Rally.

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