
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Gaylord-Nurney Couple Wed in Distinctive Military Ceremony, April 18, 1900

Roanoke Beacon, Plymouth, N.C., April 27, 1900

A Military Marriage

On Wednesday evening April 18th Grace Episcopal Church was the scene of a beautiful and novel marriage, the contracting parties being Miss Sarah Frances Gaylord the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Gaylord, and Mr. W.T. Nurney, one of the popular young drummers of Company “E.”

The church was artistically decorated and all the attendants were military men in full uniform. At 8 o’clock the bridal party arrived at the church and entered as follows: the Color Sergeant entered the rear door and marched to the center of the church where he held the Stars and Stripes between two large arches of evergreens. Following the flag came the drummers beating a soft yet lively quick-step march; they took positions just behind the colors, on either side. Then came Capt. J.E. Reid with a division of his company. As they passed under the flag Lt. Jackson with a division of the company entered from the north entrance and Lt. Mizell with a division entered from the south entrance, passing down the side aisles in single file they formed a double column as they passed under the flag, following the division of Capt. Reid to the chancel, where a heart was formed, as near as possible, by the entire company.

As the drums ceased the notes of the organ, under the artistic touch of Mrs. F.A. Boyle, filled the church with the wedding march and the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, entered the northern entrance, and the groom, with his brother, Mr. B.F. Nurney, entered from the south, marching to the center, while, as they passed under the flag the bride took the groom’s arm and they marched to the chancel rail where they met the rector, Mr. Tolson, who, according to the beautiful ritual of that church, pronounced them man and wife. During the ceremony the flag was held in position directly over the bride.

As the bridal party marched down the center aisle and out at the northern entrance, the organ ceased and the drums took up the notes. Capt. Reid wheeled his men down the center aisle in double column. Lts. Jackson and Mizell marched their divisions in cross line, passing down the side aisles to the center, there meeting, formed in double column in the rear of Capt. Reid’s division, and all passed out the rear entrance.

The ushers, in military costumes, Messrs. P.W. Brinkley and W.F. Ausbon, were unable to place the large number of people in the church. The building was packed to its utmost capacity.

Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, where the happy couple received the congratulations of their many friends. They were also the recipients of many handsome and costly presents.

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