
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Indian Trail News from the Monroe Journal, 1918

“Happenings of the Week in Vance,” from the Monroe Journal, April 9, 1918.
Indian Trail—Spring has now opened up and the farmers are now showing their part in beginning to do their best in the work. The farmers of this section are adopting the slogan of planting more foodstuffs and less of that plant—cotton—which the Southerner has depended upon so long for what he has in life and which has brought more than thousands of people to dire poverty. The war will in all probability be a blessing to humanity in that it will teach several of the most needed principles of life and living to those who have for all the past been doing things on no systematic way whatever and thereby leaving themselves as a people that think there is nothing in life worth living for except just the meagre things of the world that provides them food and raiment, and certainly we find this class get just what they are looking for and nothing worthwhile. We feel that while the war is devastating all Europe and at the same time leaving it in a very mixed and mangled form, when the things of the present are over and peace reigns then we will be in the best state of affairs and especially the southern farmer who is observing the best ways to do things, for the affairs of today are teaching the rudiments of successful farming and saving, which will be learned and forever remembered by the coming generations.
On Thursday night of last week a social gathering was given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Kendall in honor of one of our best friends, Mr. Stacy B. Orr, who left Sunday morning for Camp Jackson. Quite a number of the young people from in around the village attended and the evening was spent playing games, which were enjoyed by those who ministered them but the victims of the occasion did not appreciate getting their best clothes soaked with water which was the source of fun for those who enjoyed it. Some left early on account of the way the games were played and report that they do not wish to attend any more socials which are to be carried on on this basis of fun-for-the-other-fellow.
Mr. D.P. Hartis of near here had a slight stroke of paralysis while on his way to Charlotte one day last week, which has rendered him unable to do any work. The stroke took effect in the face, making it impossible to shut one eye. We hope our friend will continue to improve as he has for the last few days.
Preparations are fastly being made for the commencement exercises to be held at Indian Trail. We have had a fine session of school this season save the bad weather which caused a great deal if irregular attendance. The exercises will be somewhat short but nevertheless we are hoping to give those who are able to attend something worth coming for. A short play will be given after the day program on Friday, the 12th. We are able to have with us some of the best speakers that the county affords, who will speak on the day program.
Messrs. Frank Tomberlin, Samuel Lemmond, and Burkett Crowell went with Mr. Stacy B. Orr to Monroe Sunday morning, arriving just before the train left carrying a large crowd of soldiers. Mr. Orr left many of his friends in tears, but as it has been with many other boys who have gone before him, he happened to be one who were chosen to fight for this country’s liberty.
Quite a large crowd were present at the speaking and showing of pictures on the screen of the Presbyterian Church  last night, given on behalf of the Presbyterian Orphanage at Barium Springs by Miss Hudson, who is one of the officers of the place. She gave a fine lecture in connection with the great work which is being done there and also giving the pictures to show exactly how things are arranged for the large number of children being taken care of in that place.
The exercises given on last Sunday night at the Methodist Church were fine and an exceedingly large crowd enjoyed what was said and done. After the program carried was out, the pastor, Rev. A.J. Farington, made a short talk. The honor of getting the program up was awarded to Miss Kate Crowell.
Miss Wilma Harkey was in the village Sunday from Charlotte where she is clerking for her uncle there.
Miss Mamie Ross, who has been here with her aunt, left last Monday afternoon for her home near Wingate.

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