
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mrs. J.E. Bailey Shares Marshville News, 1918

Marshville news in the April 2, 1918, issue of The Monroe Journal
The beautiful Easter day just passed left nothing to be desired overhead nor underfoot. Despite the fact that some serious minded person had suggested a “hatless” Easter, there was no let up on the new adornments and variegated colors in our little town; and really we are prone to believe a “hatless” Easter would rob many of all significance of the day.
Mrs. Tiny Mullis of Wingate has been visiting her brother, Mr. J.T. Williams, the past week.
Rev. J.W. Little and family left Friday for Charlotte, where they will reside in the future.
Mrs. H.T. McBride left Tuesday for the Charlotte Sanatorium where she underwent an operation Saturday. Mrs. McBride’s many friends will be glad to know she is doing nicely.
Mrs. R.A. Eubanks of Rutherfordton is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Medlin.
Miss Jack Smith of Monroe visited friends here several days the past week.
Mrs. Ed H. Moore and Miss Bernice Phifer spent Thursday in Charlotte of a shopping expedition.
Messrs. Lee Bailey, Kemp Armfield, Talmage Austin, and Jack, Olive an dFrank Newsome motored to Camp Jackson Sunday to see the Marshville boys in training there.
Mr. B.L. Rushing of Draughan’s Business College, Greenville, S.C., arrived Sunday to be with his father, Mr. Albert Rushing, who is seriously ill at his home in Lanes Creek township.
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Davis visited relatives in Charlotte Sunday.
Misses Odessa Hamilton, Minnie Baucom and Lula Stegall of the Wingate school were guests of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Hamilton, one night last week.
Messrs. Shelton Harrell and Fate Bivens of Charlotte spent Sunday at home.
Mr. Vann Marsh of Kannapolis was the guest of home folks Sunday.
Miss Glennie Meacham and brother Mr. Julian Meacham of Fountain Hill spent the week-end here with friends and relatives.
Activities at the Red Cross work room have been at a stand still the past week on account of the protracted meeting at the Methodist church.
The various go-easy clubs on our streets have been missed these past few days and we will assume that they are gardening, and to do it properly, will not resume meetings till they have “laid by.”
Business News
The Marshville planning mill plant recently installed in the eastern part of town has completed the side track to the mill, and under the management of Mr. J.W. Stegall will soon be running full time. This firm is for shipping.
Mr. W.C. Hartsell and his brother are operating a saw mill in southeast Marshville township for shipping exclusively. This company employs 15 men and runs four teams regularly.
The B. & B. manufacturing plant runs full time handling local work and ships the surplus, which is very much in demand.

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