
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Nature's Creation Patent Drug Doesn't Cure Tuberculosis, Says Board of Health, 1919

“Getting Better—Thank You” by Warren H. Booker, in the April, 1919 issue of  The Health Bulletin, published by the North Carolina State Board of Health
Last month we published the picture and told the story of a poor, emaciated consumptive in the last stages of the disease, who had wasted his time and his chances of recovery while taking some 20 bottles of “Nature’s Creation,” a patent medicine fake advertised as a consumption cure.
We have just received the following letter, regarding the consumptive after he stopped taking patient medicine and entered a sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis.
“It may interest you to know that the patient who used these numerous bottles of Nature’s Creation has gained 17 pounds under treatment at the Sanatorium, and while physicians do not believe that he can recover, his life will probably be prolonged. At the time of his admission into the institution, it was our opinion that he would be unable to live for more than a few weeks. His condition at this time was a striking illustration of the effects of Nature’s Creation.”
Little comment is necessary in regard to the value of consumptive cures. Without fear of contradiction, we unhesitatingly brand as frauds and fakes that great host of patent medicine consumption cures. The only known cure for consumption is rest, fresh air, proper food and careful living.
(Nature’s Creation, like many patent medicines of the time, contained lots of alcohol.)

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