
Thursday, April 26, 2018

News of Marshall Field & Co. Employees, Spray, N.C., 1945

The Mill Whistle, April 9, 1945. Issued every two weeks by and for the employees of Marshall Field & Company, Manufacturing Division, Spray, N.C.

Finishing Mill by Beulah McBride

Pvt. James Andrew Hopkins, who recently spent 14 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hopkins of Draper Road, has been sent to Fort Meade, Md. Best of luck to you, Andrew.

Beauford Hawkins, who is with the Merchant Marines, is spending a 14-day leave at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Hawkins on Church Street, Spray.

Mrs. Ola Saul spent Monday in Roanoke shopping with her sister, Mrs. R.C. Martin of Martinsville.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. McBride spent Easter Sunday with relatives at Madison, N.C.

Miss Kathleen Stowe spent the day in Aken Summit Sunday. We wonder who she was visiting.

Mrs. Howard Flynn spent the weekend in Roanoke with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Grogan and sister Mrs. Roy Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses Biggs and children and Jewell Dehart visited Mr. Dehart’s sister at Memorial Hospital at Danville Sunday

Woolen Mill by Annie Crews

We wonder how everyone is feeling after the Easter holidays. Shhh!! Don’t tell us—we understand how it is. But we do hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

Mr. and Mrs. Walker Macy visited relatives in Elkin, N.C., during the week-end.

Mrs. Johnny Dimatto of Wilmington, Delaware, visited her mother, Mrs. Lillie Lemmons, during the holiday.

Pvt. Bethel Washburn, formerly of the Weave room, is home on a 30-day furlough after spending quite a time in Europe.

Misses Lorene and Lizza Shorter of Danville, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. M.L. Reid.

Mrs. Minnie Martin visited her brother Pvt. Raymond Sawyers who is just back from overseas, in Reidsville Sunday.

Mrs. Susanna Belcher tells us she has bought a mule and all the farming tools to go with it. If you want any plowing done, just call 99-R.

Edna Kiser visited friends in Reidsville during the holidays.

Bettye Jones visited friends in Greensboro for the week-end.

Pvt. C.L. Kendrick was home on leave for the holidays. He is now stationed at Fort Dix, N.J.

Miss Edna Patterson of High Point has week-end guest of Mrs. Addie Harbour.

C.N. Henrietta Shively was home during the Easter holidays. She is in training at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem.

We welcome Elaine Pulliam to our mill as a new employee of the Spinning department.

Miss Carolyn Nichols had as week-end guests Mrs. Mabel Cooper and daughter Betty, and Miss Evelyn Cooper, all of Martinsville, Va.

Sgt. Jesse Whitlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Berry, is spending a 12-day furlough with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Burton visited Mr. Burton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Burton of Axton, Va., Sunday.

Mrs. Lorene Bailey visited friends in Martinsville, Va., Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Webb had as week-end guests Mr. Webb’s mother, Mrs. Mary Webb and sister Miss Alice Webb of Huntersville, N.C.

Pvt. Thomas Barnes, formerly of the Card room, is home on furlough after finishing his basic training.

Central Warehouse by Maybud Stanley

S 2/c Robert L. Whitt of the Navy is spending a short furlough with his wife. While here he called on friends at the Central Warehouse where he worked before entering service.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cooke of Martinsville, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Clifford Emerson of Leaksville.

Mrs. Verlie Shelor and Miss Violet Key of Martinsville, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Irva Hopkins of Railroad Street.

Coxswain Kermit Thompson of the Navy spent the Easter holidays with his mother, Mrs. Mary Thompson.

Mrs. Alice Weddle of Floyd, Va., was a recent visitor of her sister, Mrs. A.C. Boone.

Mrs. Lou Fair of Thomasville spent the week-end with relatives in Leaksville.

M/Sgt. Melvin Fair is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Clifford Shipton and Mrs. Stacey Nelson. Jimmy Robertson of the Merchant Marines, a friend of Sgt. Fair’s spent a few days with him here.

Mrs. R.N. Brown has been on the sick list for the past few days. We hope she will soon be back with us.

Joe Miller spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Newman.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Booker and son Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Stanley spent the Easter holidays with Mr. Stanley’s mother at Nola, Va.

Karastan Mill by Frances Watson

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duke and son and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Merriman spent Easter Sunday in Winston-Salem.

Miss Edmonia Turner was in Greensboro shopping Saturday.

Melvin Cox of Pulaski, Va., and Junior Moore spent the Easter season in the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Cox.

Mrs. Billy Turner and Sgt. Enos Griffith spent the week with their parents at Woolwine, Va.

Members of the Karastan Shipping Department are very happy for Mrs. Snoda Martin that her son Jack, of the Merchant Marines, is home on furlough. Mrs. Martin and Jack visited Edwin Martin and family, of Atlanta, Ga., last week.

The Shipping Department has a new man, Cecil Butler, working with them. We’re glad to have you, Cecil.

The Shipping Department has heard a rumor that “Our Frances” is walking down the aisle soon. Well, all we have to say is “that fellow in Detroit is a lucky guy.” And Frances—we think he’s o.k. too.

Mr. and Mrs. Julian Puffenberger of Richmond, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Clifton and children spent the Easter season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Snead.

Louis J. Cole, S 2/c, spent last week-end with his parents near Axton. He has just returned to duty after being confined to the hospital for 32 days for sinus treatment.

Ann Kerley, who is in training at Mercy Hospital, Charlotte, N.C., spent the Easter holidays with her parents on the Reidsville Road.

Hilda Joyce, Doris Joyce, Mrs. Harvey Joyce, Mrs. Howard Hobson and Mrs. Randolph Beck spent Sunday in Winston-Salem with Mrs. John Hartman, who is in City Hospital suffering with a broken hip.

Abalene Meeks, Glenn Wilson and Elmore Gunn visited the former’s sister, Mrs. D.E. Wall, at Sanatorium, N.C., during the Easter holidays.

Vergie Jones spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. L.D. Bolden, at Greensboro, N.C.

Annie Joyce spent the week-end with relatives at Kimball, W. Va.

Stella Jones, Ella Gillie, Lessie Shelton and Kay Shelton spent the Easter holidays with relatives at Roanoke, Va.

Johnnie Coleman and Billy Coleman, Flossie Fuller, Bettie Ann and Bobby Fuller spent Saturday in Danville, Va.

The Setting and Winding departments express deep and heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Ollie Vernon in the loss of her father, Claiborne Hubbard.

The Carver’s welcome an old carver back to their department. She is Miss Helen Steele. Hope you’ll like us, Helen.

James Rickman, S F 1/c, son of Mrs. Emma Rickman, recently received his present rating.

Pvt. Oliver Dunovant, stationed at Fort Bragg, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Everette Roberts.

Bleachery by Charlotte Martin

Mrs. Eliza Washburn and daughter Sunshine spent the Easter holidays with her sister, Mrs. Roy Crews in Martinsville, Va.

Mrs. John Martin and grandchildren Barbara Ann and Billy Martin, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur French and family in Danville, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Richardson and children Doris and Harold, of High Point, spent Sunday with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Richardson.

Mrs. Dick Fowler and daughter “Dot” spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R.H. Richardson.

Roy Casteen is an operative patient at Leaksville Hospital. Hurry back, we miss you.

Elice Smith and Elvie Underwood visited Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Powell in Hampton, Va., recently.

Magdalene Bowman and daughter June visited Mrs. Estredge Martin in Fieldale during the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gilley and Mrs. J.B. Campbell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald of Wesley Park.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Smith and daughter Agnes recently visited Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. C.H. Milam in Durham, N.C.

Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Fisher and family visited the latter’s mother, Mrs. R.P. Barker in Stoneville.
Tessie McBride spent Saturday in Danville, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Crews and daughter Anne, Ollie Houchins and Marian Matthews went shopping in Greensboro Saturday.

Mrs. Lavina Dishmond and daughter Jackie, Mrs. Ora Atkins visited their sister, Mrs. Harkday in Raleigh over the holidays.

Cpl. Joe Knight has written his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Knight that he has arrived safely in Italy.

J.M. Knight and daughter Sue visited Calvin Knight, director of Religious Education at Watts Street Baptist Church in Durham recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ferguson of Vinton, Va., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Land Easter Monday.

Mrs. P.G. Meeks and daughter Nancy visited Mrs. Meeks’ sister, Mrs. C.L. Bell, at Winston-Salem and attended the Easter Sunrise service.

We welcome Lila Pulliam as a new employee. Glad to have you with us and hope you will enjoy your work.

T/Sgt. and Mrs. Wiley Barwick announce the birth of a daughter, Joyce Lee, born April 2 at the Leaksville Hospital. Mrs. Barwick is the former Ethel Joyce of the Bleachery.

A nice young lady wishes to inform us that she DID NOT get married over the holidays as it was rumored around.

These dizzy people, what is it? Ah, Spring is in the air and everyone seems to be happy over it, although we are still yawning and stretching from being all cooped up during the winter. Off with your woolens and on with your voiles and cottons. “Good Ole Spring.”

We wish to express our sympathy to Annie Glass in the death of her father, George Glass. “The Bleachery”

Blanket Mill by Katherine Turner

Mr and Mrs. George Johnson and son Walter, of Reidsville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Johnson in Draper.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stultz are wearing a very broad smile now—a little grandson, John Spencer Jr., arrived Friday, March 30 to Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer Carter.

T/Sgt. Kermit Willis is home on furlough after many months overseas.

Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Hamrick enjoyed the week-end in Winston-Salem visiting relatives.

Mrs. Gladys Leary had with her for the week-end her nephew Pvt. Howard C. Leary.

Mrs. R.F. Turner is spending a few days in Waynesboro, Va.

Miss Pauline Willis of Washington, D.C., is with her parents for the week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Talbott and daughter Deanne of Baltimore, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Talbott.

Miss Magdalene Hall spent the week-end at her home in Altavesta, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blackwell and children spent the week-end at Roanoke, Va.

Miss Irene Howell visited in Mt. Airy over the week-end.

Mrs. Dillard Stulz and daughter Ann Marie left with her husband Pvt. Stulz for an extended stay at his base in Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Funderbuck, Ernest Funderbuck and Audrey Cochran visited in Pittsboro, N.C., over the week-end to attend a golden wedding anniversary.

Ernest Funderbuck, Lorene and Estelle Funderbuck, Ann Hudson, Robert Hudson and L.G. Esters visited at Black Mountain and Asheville, N.C. Easter Monday.

Rucker Wilson is improving nicely in the Veteran’s Hospital, Fayetteville, N.C.

Miss Hilda Smith spent the week-end in Martinsville, Va. We would like to have seen her at the masquerade party.

Miss Lottie Mae Minter, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Gold Minter, who is attending Hollingsworth Commercial School, Charlotte, spent Easter holidays in their home.

Ruby Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel Moore, who is attending Hollingsworth Commercial School, Charlotte, spent the week-end at home.

Friends of Mrs. Hope Flinchum are happy to see her return to work after being out sick for several weeks.

Mrs. Daniel Atkins of Washington, D.C., spent the Easter holidays in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddle.

S/Sgt. James Cannaday spent the holidays with his wife and relatives.

Mrs. Edna Atkins and Mrs. Lessie Walker are on the sick list. Hurry and get well.

Nantucket Building by W.A. Gardner

Ho hum! Spring is here, and from the looks of various items this column will be a travelogue.
Lucille Booker went to Washington to gaze at the cherry blossoms. They were so interesting that the train left Lucille at the platform in Washington.

Helen Redman and Jeanette Edwards went to Martinsville and came back by the Morgan Ford Road.

Somebody ought to tell Tom Dillon that four girls (with corsages) are just too heavy for these weary tired. Anyway, that might explain why he had two flats on that particular day. However it was a blessing in disguise as it made them late for church and they had to sit on the front row.

FLASH! Joe Armolt, or demon draftsman, decided to burn off the grass rather than cut it, on his country manor in Martinsville. Results: one 4-alarm fire, 2 boxwoods, 2 eyebrows and a singed conscience. Maybe Waymon Smith, our Fire Chief, could give him a book on “How to Fight Fire in Six Easy Lessons.”

Mary Hundley went to Greensboro one Sunday to hear the concert and one Sunday not to. What Sunday did you enjoy the most, Mary? Who is he?

Robert Bunn got a tire certificate but either his gas is ow or he has a strict moral sense as he was seen in a bee-you-tiful suit taking the bus for??? You wouldn’t use your car, would you Robert? And too, why take such a large bag? It looked big enough for the average woman to take away for a whole week!

A trifle belated, but Nellie Kirby (and Woodrow) have a daughter. Name: Elizabeth Jane.

Frances Byrd marries our extemporanure of the Laboratory. Doc Byrd made this announcement. Congratulations to her and to you too, Red, for having such a lovely daughter.

Wivian Rakestraw, Ann D. Grogan, Malvene Ferguson, Inez Land and Helen Litaker spent Easter Monday in Greensboro. They must have spent more than that because they related going to the picture show. But how did Helen find time to go with Lester in town?

Stella spent the night in Roanoke. Is it cooler in Virginia, Stella, or are there other attractions?

Cuma Odell had a visit from Margaret Andrews Dixon. Quite a few remember her as our attractive telephone operator from way, way back yonder.

How many miles does Dummy Newman walk from his office down to, near, at, or where, or sometimes near Central Supply? Maybe he just likes to see the trains coming in and going out. (Nope, like to see the buses that go to Cary, N.C.)

Chug Latham had a trip to Chicago and came back looking quite refreshed. He couldn’t have worked very hard on that particular trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G. Land wish to express to all their sincere appreciation and thanks for the cards and flowers sent in memory of their son, William D. Land.

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