
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Wood, Shepherd of Holly Springs End Up in Wake County Jail, 1905

The Caucasian, Clinton, N.C., April 20, 1905

Man and Woman in Jail

Deputy Sheriff Stephen’s of Wake County, while out collecting taxes Saturday, seized a sow and pigs, and thereby hangs the tale as related by a reporter on the Post

“The horse and wagon seizure case in Holly Springs township has resulted thus far in F.M. Wood, the man concerned, and Ida Shepherd, the woman who lived with him and who kept Deputy Sheriff Stephens’ horse and wagon from his sons at the point of her pistol, being lodged in Wake County jail awaiting trial on claim and deliver proceedings, forcible trespass and unlawful co-habitation.

It will be remembered that Woods had refused to pay his taxes long overdue to Deputy Sheriff Stephens who had there upon levied upon a sow and five pigs. Before Mr. Stephens could notify Sheriff Page of his action, Woods came to town and paid his taxes. The deputy, as soon as he heard this from Sheriff Page, sent his two boys with the pigs in his wagon to return the property. Woods was not there but the Ida Shepherd was, and she drove the boys off and would not allow them to get the wagon, saying, revolver in hand, that if they entered the lot again she would shoot them.

That was Saturday and that night the deputy came to Raleigh and secured a writ of claim and delivery, and a warrant from Magistrate Separk for a forcible trespass.

The claim and delivery papers, being for a civil action, could not be served on Sunday, but the forcible trespass warrant charged a crime, and that could be and was served on Sunday morning early by Deputy Sheriff Joseph J. Dupree. When the deputy went in the house he saw a pistol on the mantel piece and put it in his pocket. He experienced no trouble. Woods asked where his pistol was and the deputy told him he had it; that was all.

The man and woman were brought to the court-house here, where Justice of the Peace Separk committed them to jail in default of $200 bond pending a hearing by him on Wednesday at 12 o’clock. Later the magistrate issued a warrant charging the couple with illegal cohabitation.

Yesterday Deputy Sheriff Stephens went to the house and got his horse and wagon.”

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