
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Around the Farm and In the Home by Virginia Godwin, Tabor City, 1951

“About the Farm and In the Home,” by Virginia D. Godwin, from the May 16, 1951, issue of The Tabor City Tribune.

This past Sunday has been one of the most pleasant that I have experienced in several years. It was wonderful to see so many “Happy” Mothers. So many who have boys in Service were lucky enough to have them home this past week, and those who do not have someone Service were happily remembered just the same. The day was beautiful and it seemed that love shown forth and made hearts radiantly happy with almost everyone. Mother’s Day was really a day of love and friendship to all.

I was so glad to see Mrs. Retha Hinson (who has been seriously ill) at church and looking so well, and indeed she had a right to be very happy for her oldest son who is in The Coast Guard is home on leave. Delmas is a S-A and has been stationed for the past several months at Alameda, California. Now he is going to Staton Island, New York. He plans to go to Sea for a while and then take a course in Radar. I am so glad Delmas that you could be home for Mother’s Day.

I had the pleasure of talking with Stedman Ward also and he, too, is in The Coast Guard. He is one of the boys who has grown up since I have been away and is now a handsome young man. Stedman is a S-A and has been stationed at Camp May, New Jersey. Now he is going to Boston, Mass. He plans to take a course in Electronics and hopes to become an Electrician’s Mate. I wish you the best success, Stedman and it was a pleasure talking with you.

Another very happy mother is Mrs. Bessie Ward who also has her son home on leave. He is Pvt. Wilbert Ward and is stationed at Atlanta, Georgia. Wilbert is in The Army and is in the Signal Corps. Division. I understand that he likes his work fine, and Wilbert I am glad that you coujld come home at this time.

Pfc. James Garrell of The U.S. Air Force is also home, so of course it was a special day for his mother, too. James spent the afternoon with me recently and I am glad that he is so happy in his work. He is at the present stationed permanently at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He likes his work so well that he is thinking of making a career of The Air Foce. Best of luck always, James.

Mother’s Day was made very happy for Mrs. Kate Reaves, when she received word from her son that he will be home the last of this month. Sprunt is in the Marines, and has been in Korea for several months. I am glad Kate for both you and Sprunt.

I hear that one of our younger boys, Jackson Gore, made his mother, Mrs. Joe Gore, very happy when he presented her with several lovely and unexpected gifts. That was very nice, Jackson, and I know your mother is very proud of you.

The day was very nice for me, too, especially when my son Mitchell presented me with a beautiful pin. And since it was the first time in several years that both my sister and myself have been home together on Mother’s Day, it was an unusually happy day for our mother, Mrs. Burton Long.

For the mothers who have boys that will soon be leaving for Service the day served as a special day to them, too, in still being able to have their boys with them. Mrs. Walter Ward because Norman will soon be leaving, Mrs. S.P. Gore because Sam will soon be entering Service, Mrs. J.E. Long because of Elbert, and Mrs. Sally Ward who still has H.C. here with her.

To the Mothers who could not have their boys home, I would like to say that I sincerely hope the day was nice for them also, and that next year their boys will be home, too. If I have forgotten to mention any-one, please remember that it was not intentional. I thank all of you for your friendliness which helps me with my work very much. Now in closing, Friends remember: Dear hands that rest upon the Bible. Dear hands that trace the old loved lines, beneath those hands springs forth the richly embered core of life to guide us safely onward. They are Mother’s Hands.

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