
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Church News in the Selma Newspaper, May 15, 1930

Church news from The Johnsonian-Sun, Selma, N.C., Thursday, May 15, 1930

At the Selma Presbyterian Church

Sabbath School at 10 o’clock.

Preaching services 8 p.m.

Why go to church at all? Many people do not, they say they can live just as good a life and never bother about going to church. That is a right broad statement. Will a plant grow without rain? Will one rain suffice for a season? The same God who created the plant and herb also created the human soul. Many a soul has wilted and withered away, died, for the lack of Spiritual nourishment, just as plants are doing now without rain, and they are unconscious of it. How surprised some day they will be and how disappointed. But there will be no one to blame except “self.” Listen to what God says:
“Lo, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money: come ye, buy and eat.” Isa. 55.1.

The Presbyterian Church welcomes you to service next Sunday.

                --D.F. Waddell, pastor

At Episcopal Church

Rev. Duncan Thomas will conduct the preaching services at the Episcopal Church here next Sunday, May 18, the services having been changed from the fourth Sunday to the third Sunday for the month of May only.

T.E.L. Class Meets

The T.E.L. Class of the Selma Baptist Sunday School held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W.G. Ricks Tuesday afternoon, with 29 ladies present.

A duet by Mrs. G.M. Willetts and Mrs. A. Earp was enjoyed by all.

A contest was given, Mrs. Charles Fulghum being the winner.

The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. W.G. Ricks, Mrs. George Vick, and Mrs. C. Brown.

Delicious refreshments were served.

Sacred Concert at School Auditorium Sunday Afternoon

There will be a sacred concert held in the Selma School auditorium next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, under the direction of Mr. Johnson from Raleigh, who has been giving the Selma Concert Band some special training this spring. There will be two members from each of the churches here, and the public is cordially invited to attend.  There will be no admission fees charged to this concert.

Willing Workers Class Meets

The Willing Workers class of the Methodist Sunday School met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A.K. Eason and Julian Avery as joint hostesses. The devotional was led by Mrs. G.F. Bretiz. After the business meeting the hostesses served sandwiches and tea.

At the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church

Next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock everybody is invited to worship with us. Sabbath School at 10 o’clock and preaching services at 11. Everybody welcome.   –D.F. Waddell, Pastor

At the Mispah Presbyterian Church

Next Sunday night at 8 o’clock, there will be preaching services. What better thing can a man do than go to church? Perhaps one, he can practice the things he hears there. The greatest privilege God ever gave man was the privilege of service. You are invited to worship Him in His house Saturday evening at 8 o’clock.   –D.F. Waddell, Pastor

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