
Saturday, May 26, 2018

God Is a Whisper by Mrs. Hobart T. Steele, 1941

“Mrs. Steele Has Poem in Magazine” from the May 26, 1941, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

In the most recent issue of The North Carolina Churchman, Mrs. Hobart T. Steele of Burlington has a poem printed entitled “God Is a Whisper.” It reads as follows:
Some people think of God, you know
                In such a funny way.
They says He is a great big man
                Who watches me all day.
But, my God isn’t at all like that.
                He’s in my heart, you see.
God is just a soft, soft whisper
                Down inside of me.
He tells me when I’m doing wrong,
                He shows me what to do.
I think it’s nice to have a whisper
                Down inside, don’t you?

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