
Monday, May 21, 2018

Local and Personal Items From the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., 1915

“Local and Personal,” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, May 21, 1915

Murphy is a good town.
The residence of Bowman Harris, five miles North-west of Culberson, was burned to the ground Sunday afternoon, about 1 o’clock, and Mrs. Harris, who was upstairs trying to save some house hold goods, was seriously burned by the roof caving in. A quick rescue probably saved her life. The fire is supposed to have started from the flue. Very little furnishings of the home were saved.
G.W. Kirkpatrick spent the week end in Hickory.
C.M. Wofford is in Nelson, Ga., this week on business.
Mrs. R.F. Crooks is visiting in Atlanta, where she will spend about two weeks.
Save cost and pay your town taxes now. They must come. W.A. Elliott, Tax Collector.
Mrs. C.C. Abernthy of Copperhill, Tenn., is visiting her brother, W. Christopher, in this city.
Congressman Britt has secured a new rural route for Cherokee County, which is located at Culberson.
F.D. Dickey, T.H. Martin, and W.E. Howell went to Snowbird the first of the week on a fishing trip.
Riley Radford of Beaverdam trownship is a Cherokee County citizen with an unusual record. This is recorded that last Sunday, when he boarded the Southern passenger train for Asheville, it was the first time he had ever been inside or rode on a train, and he is 58 years of age. Mr. Radford is a prominent citizen of Beaverdam township and this fact is not be taken to his discredit. His business has never before made it imperative for him to board the train to attend to it.
T.B. Hampton of Brassown, one of Scout’s old and valued subscribers, was in to see us one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerlad West of Cartersville, Ga., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.I. Gresham last Sunday.
Rev. J.N. Dills, Missionary for the Baptist church in this county, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday.
W.H. Meroney and Henry Akin are on a business trip to Hiawassee and other points in Georgia this week.
We are pleased to state that W.H. Griffith, who has been in the hospital at Atlanta, is getting along nicely.
The bereaved family of late Capt. R.L. Herbert wish to extend to the many friends of the deceased in Clay and Cherokee Counties their many thanks for kindness and sympathy which they have so faithfully shown them in their hour of deep sorrow and grief.
Supt. A.L. Martin went to Cullowhee last week to attend the meeting directors of the Normal & Industrial School for the purpose of electing the faculty of the school for the ensuing year. Prof. A.C. Reynold, who has been principal of the school, was elected president.
Miss Maye Mauney of Peachtree was visiting here Tuesday, being on her way to Jacksonville, Fla., where she will visit her sister.
Miss Elba Slaughter, who has been visiting at Farner, Tenn., was the guest of Mrs. R.H. Sneed Tuesday while on her way home to Sword, Ga.
John P. Cunningham of Durham, one of the field agents for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was a visitor here the latter part of the week, gathering statistics.
Rev. F.A. Clark, formerly principal of the Cherokee Academy, left Tuesday morning for Wyoming where he will make his future home. His family are still here but will join him later.
One of our friends reports finding a brass pin inside the gizzard of a chicken bought in town last week. The pin showed to be well worn and there’s no telling how long it had been there when disclosed by the cook’s knife. This chicken was a close rival to the goat which is accused of feasting on tin cans.
Misses Aileen Haigler, Lura, Inez and Jimmie Sullivan of Hayesville, were in the city for awhile Monday, being on their way to Unaka. They were accompanied by J.C. Crow and sister.
The Womans Club will hold its next regular meeting in the parlors of the Hotel Regal, May 26th, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. C.A. Brown will read a paper on the uplifting of the Philippines.
Mrs. J.R. Wilbur, who has been in Washington City for the past few weeks, returned Tuesday and is stopping with Mrs. P.E. Nelson for a few days before returning to her home in Webutty.
The most talked of event in Murphy at present is the drawing of the set of dishes at Candler Department Store each Saturday afternoon. The store is packed to overflowing each Saturday afternoon with customers who are desirous of drawing the dishes.
The revival meeting at the Methodist church is being well attended. The stores are being closed in the afternoons at 3 o’clock for the benefit of the services. Mr. Rodgers will probably leave here Saturday morning and the meeting close Sunday night.
We are in receipt of the following from S.A. Wilson of Brooksville, Fla., which is very much appreciated: “In a recent issue of your paper you stated that Murphy would get the Ashville-Atlanta Highway. In that event, it seems to me that the logical route will be through the gap of ???. Being interested there I would naturally like to see it come that way, but we have been informed that it would be hard to find a better route. Let me say in conclusion that if Murphy does not grow, it will not be because you do not boost. You are indefatigably and everlasting at it, and that is the way to get things done.”
Miss Ruth Abernathy and Mrs. Walker Lyerly entertained 10 tables of bridge in honor of Mrs. T.A. Mott and Mrs. Richard Parker of Murphy at the beautiful new home of Mrs. Lyerly on Thirteenth Street, Thursday afternoon, May 6. Mrs. Mott has just returned to her home in Hickory after a year’s absence. Mrs. Parker is a sister of the hostess. Miss Esther Ransom won the prize of the party, a pretty brass flower basket. Mrs. Mott, Mrs. Parker and Miss Mary Shuford, a bride-elect, were presented with crepe de chine handkerchiefs. Mrs. Luther Long of Newton was an out-of-town guest. The house was beautifully decorated with roses and dogwood, and the party was a delightful social event. –Hickory Democrat
Last call to list your taxes! To fail to list will subject you to pay 25 per cent in addition to your regular tax. We understand this law will be enforced without discrimination. Better send your list in and save the trouble. We will be at Murphy, Tuesday, May 25th, W.J. Martin and W.A. Adams, list takers and assessors.

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