
Friday, May 11, 2018

Local News From The Hickory Daily Record, May 11, 1918

“Personals,” from the May 11, 1918 issue of The Hickory Daily Record

Miss Kate Elliot spent yesterday in Charlotte.

Miss Lily Jones of Happy Valley is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W.A. Hall.

The Record is indebted to Mrs. Mary Sloop for a vase of pretty red roses.

Mrs. S.W. Lawrence has returned from Chester where she spent several days.

Miss Amy Sellers has returned from Fort Caswell where she has been the guest of Capt. and Mrs. W.R. Cox for two weeks.

Mrs. D.L. Russell, who underwent an operation at Dr. Long’s Sanatorium at Statesville yesterday, is doing nicely, her friends will be glad to learn.

A card received today by Mr. J.W. Shuford announced the safe arrival in France of his son, Mr. Harold Shuford, who enlisted with the artillery from Detroit.

Capt. Geo. L. Huffman of Camp Wadsworth, S.C., is spending a few days in the city.

Congressman Albert Johnson just returned from France, will be the Red Cross speaker here on Saturday, May 26, in the Reformed Church at 8 p.m.

The closing exercises of Highland graded school, begun last night with an address and exercises by the children, will be continued tonight with a play, “A Box of Monkeys,” rendered by the older boys and girls. The exercises will begin at 8 o’clock and the public is invited.

Friends of Dr. J.H. Shuford, captain in the medical corps, will be interested to learn of his appointment as senor chief surgeon at Camp Hancock, Ga. That means that Dr. Shuford will be in charge of the hospital in the absence of chief surgeon and is a promotion for which the popular Hickory surgeon is qualified to hold.

The Mothers Club of the North School met Thursday afternoon and it was decided to continue the meetings during the summer months. Mrs. K.C. Menzies presided. The next meeting will be held the second Friday in June at 4:30.

Mr. Arthur Bradford of Hickory, who is at Camp Jackson, was not on the wrecked train near Columbia yesterday. His family received positive information today.

In Newton Society

Mrs. J.Y. Killian most charmingly entertained the Thursday Afternoon Book Club on last Thursday. Two interesting papers, “Art, Music and Drama’ by Mrs. W.C. Feimster and “Latin-American Literature” by Mrs. W.C., Kenyon, were read. Mrs. J.A. Gaither sang “One Fleeting Hour” and “The Banjo Song.” Those present besides the members were Mrs. A.S. Beaman and mother, Mrs. Matney of Canton, N.C., and Mrs. Belle Wilfong.

Among those here this week attending commencement exercises at Catawba College were: Dr. J.C. Leonard of Lexington, Rev. Walter W. Rowe of Hickory, Shuford Peeler of Charlotte; Dr. Ripley of York, Pa.; Dr. M.A. Foil, Mt. Pleasant; Rev. W.H. McNairy, Lincolnton; D.M. Carpenter, Maiden; A.L. Sanford, Conover; M.G. Lentz, Gold Hill; Edgar Whitener, High Point; Jacob Moose, Concord; J.W. Peeler, Rockwell; Rev. J.A. Koons, Rockwell; Rev. C.C. Wagner, Salisbury; Rev. J.A. Yount, Conover; Rev. J.H. Keller, China Grove; Rev. J.H. Welker, Faith; Rev. and Mrs. J.A. Palmer, Lexington; Rev. and Mrs. G.E. Plott, Winston-Salem; G.D. Palmer, Granite Quarry; Dunard Linn, Landis; Miss Virginia Warlick, Reepsville; Miss Florence Fisher, Crescent; Rev. R.E. and Mrs. Leinbach, High Point; Mrs. Dolly Finger, Turbyfield, S.C.,; Mrs. Joe Turner, S.C.; John Fleming, China Grove; Robert Andrew and son, Robert Jr., Sedalia; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Lowrance, Catawba; Misses Frances Lentz and Flossie Frazier, Hickory; J.H. Fisher, Monogram; Rev. Ernest Clapp, New York city; Russell Whitener, Miss Bessie Herman, Rev. A. Klinger, Lieut. George C. Warlick, Camp Jackson; and Prof. Overcash, Davidson College.

Lieut. Eli Warlick left Thursday for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S.C., after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Warlick.

Governor and Mrs. T.W. Bickett of Raleigh spent the week end here with the governor’s brother, Mr. L.C. Bickett.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hardister spent several days in Greensboro this week where Mrs. Hardister went to consult a specialist.

Major C.M. McCorkle of Camp Hancock, Ga., is spending this week here with his family, and to witness the graduation of his daughters, Misses Anabel and Charles McCorkle from the Newton High School. [It does say his daughter is named Charles.]

T.B. Finley of North Wilkesboro, candidate for judge in this district, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Gaither this week.

Mrs. Frank Warlick left Wednesday for Hot Springs, Ark., in response to a message stating that her father, Mr. W.H. Ramsaur, was seriously ill.

Dr. W.H. Everhardt and Mr. J.W. Ervin left Sunday for Chattanooga, Tenn., to attend the state meeting of the Junior Order. Dr. Everhardt has been appointed one of the examiners for the Junior Order in North Carolina and Tennessee.

Rev. V.L. Fulmer went down to the Jackson Training school at Concord Sunday and held services in the school chapel. He was accompanied by Mr. S.D. Houk and family and Judge Sigmon and Misses Annie Killian and Annie Witherspoon.

Lieut. Macon M. Williams arrived from Camp Jackson at Columbia Wednesday and spent the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Williams. Lieut. Williams is on his way to Fort Sill, Okla., where he has been ordered to take training in the aero service.

Miss Allie Witherspoon of Greensboro spent the past few days with her mother, Mrs. Mollie Witherspoon at Catawba.

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