
Monday, May 7, 2018

Manteo Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Receives Charter, 1948

The Coastland Times, Manteo, N.C., published Friday, May 7, 1948

Grand Master Gives New Lodge Charter

The Hon. Maxwell Hoffman of Asheville, Grand Master of the North Carolina Masons, came in person to Manteo Monday to present to Manteo Lodge, No. 682, A.F. & A.M., its charter.

The grand master was entertained along with many visitors at a fish dinner at the airport, attended by 150 and served by the ladies of the Eastern Star.

Following the dinner Monday evening, the lodge meeting was held in the town hall, where the charter was presented and a Masonic address given by the grand master.

Other visitors included Grand Secretary W.L. McIver of Sanford and Raleigh; Wilborn Smith, Deputy Grand Master of Elizabeth City. There were many visitors from Elizabeth City and other lodges, and the general opinion was that it was a historic and highly pleasant Masonic meeting.

The officers of Manteo Lodge which began operating as Croatan Lodge under dispensation last fall, are R.E. White, Worshipful Master; Marvin Mann, Senior Warden; Hugh Basnight, Junior Warden; Edwin Midgett, Senior Deacon; Archie Burris, Junior Deacon; R.H. Midgett, Secretary; G.G. Bonner, Treasurer; Raymond Wescott and Clyde Hassell, Stewards; and Ervin White, Tyler.

The Lodge now has 38 members with several applicants seeking admission.

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