
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Of Personal Note, The Beaufort News, 1925

“Personal Notes” from The Beaufort News, May 28, 1925

Mrs. Horace B. Mayo of New Bern arrived in the city Monday night for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Lewis, while Mr. Mayo is attending the Imperial Shrine Convention in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Mayo left with Oasis Temple Band of Charlotte and expects to be gone about four weeks.
Rev. E. Frank Lee, Mrs. H.C. Jones and Mr. W.L. Arrington left yesterday for Trenton where they will attend district conference.
Mr. L.C. Brogden, State Supervisor of Rural Schools, was in town Tuesday.
Mr. J.M. Workman of Snow Hill, recently elected County School Superintendent, spent yesterday here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waters, who have been living in Morehead City for some weeks, are here visiting the family of Mr. J.F. Duncan.
Dr. L.B. Hilliard, a prominent physician of Asheville, is a guest at the Davis House.
Mrs. Buell Cooke and little daughter left Saturday for Aulander where she will visit her parents. Mr. Cooke accompanied them to Goldsboro.
Mrs. J.H. Stubbs went to New Bern to consult a specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Potter Jr. went to Richmond Sunday where Mrs. Potter underwent a slight surgical operation.
Miss Pearl Russell of Bear Creek is here on a visit to Mrs. Ed Potter.
Mrs. J.P.C. Davis of New Bern spent the week-end here with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Skarren.
Mrs. Paul B. Edmundson and Mrs. Thomas Edmundson of Goldsboro are guests at the Inlet Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Summers and Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Alspaugh of Taylorsville, N.C., motored down and spent the last week-end at the Inlet Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and two nieces, Edna Mason and Mildred Willis, motored over to Sneeds Ferry last week-end visiting Mrs. Jones’ sister, Mrs. H.W. Justice.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ramsey and two children motored here from Washington, N.C., last week and spent some time with Mr. Ramsey’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ramsey.
Mrs. Ollie Neal returned from Morehead City Monday where she spent several days with relatives.
Mr. L.B. Ennett of Stella was a visitor here today.
S.D. Brown, representing the traffic department of Norfolk and Southern, is here on a business trip.
Mr. F.A. Webb of Charlotte was a guest of the Davis House today.
Mr. Bradley Tew of Rose Hill came in yesterday and is stopping at the Davis House.
Wire Grass Items
Farmers are very busy digging potatoes. The crop is short on account of dry weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Allie Copelon of Morehead City spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Copelon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lupton.
Corbit Orris who is employed at Havelock spent Sunday at home.
Mr. C.T. Eubanks has purchased a new Ford truck.
Miss Veta Merrill spent a few days in Kinston last week where she attended the high school commencement.
Otway News Items
Mrs. Roosevelt Piner, who was taken to the Morehead City hospital last Saturday for treatment, passed away Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock. Her baby died also. Mrs. Piner was known and highly esteemed by many. The funeral services were conducted at her home by Rev. Walter Guthrie and interment was in the family burial ground. Surviving relatives of Mrs. Piner are one sister and two brothers, mother and husband to mourn her loss.
Miss Rosa Hancock, who has been attending high school at Kinston, returned home Friday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hancock.
Mr. Lovey Piner of Williston was the guest of Miss Virgie Gillikin Sunday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawrence a son Sunday the 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis of Smyrna spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iredell Lawrence.
Gloucester News
Rev. Sam Lefferts, in his recent revival at Gloucester, was assisted by Rev. Walton Guthrie of Stacy. The public enjoyed Mr. Guthrie’s 10 days work here and look forward to anohte rseries oif meetings by this splendid preacher. Many new members have been added to the church and it was thoroughly revived in every way.
Mr. Isiah Chadwick of Straits left Wednesday for Lenoir to wed Miss Etta Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick arrived here Saturday, where they will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Matthews of Raleigh are visiting Mrs. Matthews’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chadwick.
Mr. Richard Keith of Cove City spent Sunday in Gloucester, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stewart.
Mr. Cecil Mason of Newport spent the week-end at Gloucester, the guest of Maude Stewart.
Mrs. J.C. Adkins and little son James of Raleigh came Saturday to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Jarvis of Straits.
Lola Breezes
We are having some cool and stormy weather.
Rev. E.C. Gaskill of Sea Level, who has been here for the past two weeks holding the F.W.B. revival, left Tuesday for home. The revival closed Monday night, which all regret very much, for it had been a grand revival. The church was crowded every night and every one seemed to enjoy it to the fullest extent.
Mr. Ralph Mason of Atlantic attended church here Sunday night.
Mr. R.L. Daniels and daughter, Mrs. W.A. Lupton, left Monday for Lenoxville to spend a few days with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lupton and little daughter Alma Grey left Monday for their home in Lenoxville.
Prayer services were held at Mr. David Day’s Monday p.m .
Mrs. Charles Springle, who has been here attending church, left Monday for her home in Beaufort.
Mr. Ernest Goodwin of Roe returned home Monday from Norfolk, Va., where he had been seeking employment.
Misses Mabel and Pauline Lupton were the guests of Miss Verda Day Sunday.
Miss Cereta Goodwin of Roe was the guest of Miss Lucy P. Daniels Sunday.
Mrs. Mattie J. Styron and Effie Goodwin left Saturday for Salvo, where they will spend a few days with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Goodwin and Roxie Goodwin left Friday for Southport where Mr. Goodwin is employed in the Coast Guard Station.
Bay View Items
Miss Maymie Dowdy of Bay View spent the week-end at Newport visiting her brother and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham and children spent Sunday at Russel’s Creek visiting Mr. and Mrs. I.T. Fodrie.
The F.W.B. League will meet Saturday night.
Mrs. A.D. Mason is spending the week at Russel’s Creek visiting her sister, Mrs. Fannie Fodrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fodrie and daughters were here visiting Mrs. Fodrie’s parents last week.
Miss Gladys Smith of Kinston is spending the week visiting her friends.
Wildwood News items
Mr. Denard Garner Jr., who has been employed in Florida for some time returned home Saturday night to spend a few weeks.
Messrs. Claud Murdock and John Watson motored to Southport Saturday and spent the week-end.
Many people motored to Newport Sunday to attend the unveiling services at the grave of N.H. Garner.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis and children from Morehead City were visitors here Sunday.
There will be a picnic given at Wildwood school house June 13th. Every one is invited to come.
Mr. Jesse Murdock and Mr. John Collins motored to Sound View Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Mollie Barns and children spent Saturday night and Sunday at Sound View.

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