
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Cliffside Mills Adding 500 Additional Looms, 1926

The Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., “Published Every Week in the Mountain Paradise,” Thursday afternoon, June 17, 1926. At the top of the banner: Tryon Has a Year Round Climate Equal to the Riviera.

Cotton Mills Enlarge at Town of Cliffside
Cliffside, N.C., June 16—Work is progressing rapidly in the enlargement of Cliffside mills, about 500 additional looms now being installed to manufacture Terry towels. It has also been decided to install a finishing plant and bleacher. The total expenditures, according to plans approved recently, exceeded $600,000, the machinery alone costing approximately $300,000. Should this enlarged plant make necessary the use of more power than is included in the maximum contract now in effect with the Cliffside Mills, it is known that the Blue Ridge Power Company will be in position to supply any part of the 13,000,000 k.w.h. to be available next October upon completion of the hydro-electric plant being installed at Lake Lure, 25 miles west of here. The Lake Lure dam is to be over 100 feet high and is now about half way completed, and Paul L. Holland, engineer in charge at Chimney Rock, expects to begin accumulating a partial head of water this summer.

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