
Sunday, June 10, 2018

John A. Parker Awarded Silver Star For Gallantry in Action, 1945

The Erwin Chatter, monthly newspaper for the employees of Erwin Cotton Mills, June, 1945 issue.

Silver Star Awarded to J.A. Parker
John A. Parker, Sergeant (then Private First Class), Company G, 141st Infantry Regiment, has been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action on March 13, 1945, in France.
When his platoon was surrounded by the enemy, and without communication, Pfc. Parker volunteered to make contact with the rear element and secure help. As he crossed the exposed area, machine gun fire struck within inches of him, but he pressed on. Even when stunned by the concussion of exploding shells, he continued until he reached the friendly troops.
As a result of Parker’s gallant deed, the friendly troops laid down a smoke screen which enabled the remaining members of his platoon to withdraw safely.
Sgt. Parker entered the service from Houston, Texas, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Parker of Cooleemee.

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