
Saturday, June 2, 2018

Memorial Day in Hangingdog, N.C., 1923

“Memorial Day Is Observed at Hangingdog,” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., on June 8, 1923

Graves are Decorated…Several Good Speeches Heard…Good Crowd Present

Grandview, June 4—Considering the muddy roads and rainy weather, what is general conceded to be the greatest celebration ever held here was participated in on May 30 when the people of this community and many parts of the county gathered at the Hangingdog Church as is their custom on memorial day. Although the crowd this year was not as large as it has been at times in the past, yet a very interesting program was rendered and memories of the departed friends and relatives revived again as the people found their way among the white sentinels on the hills nearby and placed flowers on the graves of those who have gone before.

The formal exercises began with the welcome address by Mr. W.A. Adams, who in well-chosen words forcibly uttered, made everyone feel that he or she was indeed welcome. Following the address was a song, “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” Following this Chairman H.L. Mulkey, of the committee on arrangements, spoke interestingly, his subject being “Decoration.” After another song, Prof. R.F. Hough, principal of the Sylva Collegiate Institute, being present in the audience, was called to the stand and asked to make an address on education, which he did with rare ability. Prof. Hough is one of the leading educators of his day and this community was more than glad to have him with us. Following the singing of a song entitled “Live On,” Rev. J. L. Mulkey made an interesting talk. The people then assembled in the cemetery and decorated the graves of more than 800 dead lying there, following which they reassembled at the house and dinner was spread in picnic style and enjoyed by the entire assembly. In the afternoon there was another short address, much talking and handshaking, the benediction by Mr. Hough, then the separation until next year.

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