
Monday, June 25, 2018

Need Ice? A 10-Room House for $20 a Month? 1914

The Goldboro Weekly Argus, Thursday evening, June 25, 1914

Want Ads

HAIR DRESSING—Ladies desiring to have their hair shampooed and dressed, or otherwise attended to can be served by calling on Mrs. P.M. Thompson at 111 George Street; or she will call at the homes of any desiring her services.

POSITION WANTED—A young man desires position as stenographer or book keeper. Can give reference. Address “K” in care of Argus

LOCAL VIEWS—Post cards giving views of Goldsboro—12 different subjects. Hicks & Hawley—the place you will eventually trade.

FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms with convenience 1 ½ blocks of depot. P.H. Crawford at N.E. Bradford’s office.

FOR RENT—Newly completed two-story seven room dwelling on Oak Street. Electric lights and water works. Apply to Mrs. W.P. Wrenn.

FURNISHED ROOMS—Three furnished rooms, with bath, electric lights. Delightful neighborhood. Apply at 210 S. William Street.

SUMMER SCHOOL—Individual instruction and coaching in any public school subject during summer months. O.V. Hicks, corner West Centre and Ash Streets. Phone 478-L.

CORN FOR SALE—At my farm in Stony Creek township. Apply to me at store of H. Weil & Bros. R. Jack Smith.

WANTED—Second-hand Remington, Underwood or L.C. Smith typewriter. Apply at Argus office.

HELP WANTED—Men wanted to visit trade with our cigars. Salary $25 weekly to start. Cordelle Cigar Co., Station D New York City

FOR RENT—One 10-room house on Pine Street east. All modern improvements. $20 per month. Apply to J.E. Peterson.

ICE—A.B. Austin & Co. We have furnished Ice to Goldsboro patrons for years. We are again at your service. Prompt and free delivery. Phone 107.

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