
Friday, July 20, 2018

From Services in New Church to Ice Cream Supper to McLean Wedding, 1918

“Pembroke Points,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., July 18 1918. If you've been wondering how your McLean relative from pokey little Pembroke met and married a Brooklyn girl, you'll get your answer here.

Services in New Church…Ice Cream Supper Friday Night…Mr. Walker S. McLean Marries in New York…Personal

Pembroke, July 17—Rev. Roland Hedgepeth filled his regular appointment here Sunday, preaching at 11 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Services were held in the new Baptist church which is much more convenient and comfortable than the school building, which has been used as a church since the church building was burned some time ago.

There will be an ice cream supper at the school house Friday night, the 19th. Watermelon and fruit also will be served. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Red Cross. The public is very cordially invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Hector Edwards and small daughter, Louise, of Armour, spent Sunday with Mr. Edwards’ sister, Mrs. W.E. Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. McLean spent the week-end visiting friends near Bellamy.

Mrs. Margaret McCall of Armour visited at Mrs. W.E. Hall’s Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Collinsworth and children left Monday night for Roanoke, Va., to visit Mrs. Collinsworth’s parents. Mrs. Collinsworth and children expect to be away about two months.

Mayor and Mrs. L.M. Ansley and children expect to leave tomorrow for Micro, where they will make their home. We all regret to see them leave and hope they will like their new home.

Quite a number from here motored down to Lake Waccamaw  Sunday. They reported a very pleasant time.

Mr. T.M. Brock spent today here with his family.

The many friends of Mr. Walter S. McLean will be interested to learn of his marriage to Miss Charlotte Nicholson of Brooklyn, N.Y., Friday night, the 12th, at 10:30. Mr. McLean is in the U.S. Army and has been stationed at Ft. Hamilton, N.Y., for some time.

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