
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Judson McCrary Gives 300 Pounds of Cabbage to Welfare Board To Help Feed Families in Dire Distress, 1932

“Cabbage Given to Welfare Board,” from the Brevard News, Thursday, July 14, 1932.

More than 300 pounds of cabbage was given the Brevard Welfare Distribution department by Judson McCrary last week, and all of the cabbage was given out before the expiration of the week.

Several men were given work and they worked earnestly while in two cases where work was found the unemployed applicants failed to show up. The two cases were refused any additional aid by the welfare board.

Supplies of Red Cross flour and other items are being given out only to families in dire distress, a complete investigation being made and the food given at the discretion of Chairman C.M. Douglas or an investigating committee.

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