
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mrs. Mabel Thompson Charged With Starting Three Fires in Her Room, 1914

From the Thursday, July 23, 1914, issue of the High Point Review

Greensboro, July 20—Mrs. Mabel Thompson, charged with attempting to burn on July 10 the Public Service Company building, formerly the Benbow Hotel, was this afternoon discharged by Acting Police Judge Swift, rather to the surprise of those who have followed the case.

Evidence of witnesses showed that until late on the night of the fire, young men were in Mrs. Thompson’s room; that at 4 o’clock she was found in a stupor and fire burning at three places in the room. The fire was quickly extinguished. O.A. Starbuck, connected with the internal revenue headquarters at Richmond, father of the woman, was here for the trial.

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