
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Photo of African-Americans from Richmond County Enlisting in Army, 1918

“Richmond County Colored Drafted Men Sent to Camp Dix, July 17th, 1918,” from The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, July 25, 1918

Top Row (left to right Earnest T. Fletcher, Mallow Frierson, Wolter McAskill, Clifford Moore, Joe-Walter Deslie, Silas Stewart, Frank Wall, John Hailey, James Ratliff

Bottom Row (left to right) Thomas Jackson, Will Norwood, William Adams, Robert Roberson, Benjamin F. Reddick.

This picture contains only 14 men, whereas 15 were sent to the camp. George Collins should have been in the picture but was not present when the picture was taken.
Photo by Morgan’s Studio

If you'd like to see the rest of the page, it's below. Maybe you know a way to improve the quality of the photo.

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