
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Rockingham Methodists Honor Congregation's 42 Soldiers, 1918

“Methodist Service Flag” from The Rockingham Post-Dispatch, July 18, 1918. A.E.F. stands for American Expeditionary Forces, meaning these soldiers are now in Europe.

In patriotic exercises at the Methodist Church last Sunday morning, Rockingham joined the great French nation in celebrating its national holiday, July 14, and at the same time honored our own boys of Methodist parentage who are in the service of our country. The large church was filled, and as the names of the enlisted boys were called the relatives and friends of each soldier arose, sometimes only a white-faced mother, sometimes two or three sisters, sometimes a numerous group, and at one time the whole Sunday School arose in honor of one whose delight it was to be called a leader there.
As each name was called by Mr. F.W. Bynum, Miss Mary Louise Everett and Miss Anna Scales Ledbetter pinned a star on the service flag until it bore 42 names, a full list of which is given below.
The 42 stars on the flag are:

1.       Sergt. Stephen W. Steele, Guard, 3rd Co., N.C.

2.       1st Lieut. Robert L. Steele, Aviation Corps, A.E.F., France

3.       J. Robert Waddell, Marine Corps, 89th Co., Regt. 1, Pa.

4.       Cor. Willie Shakle, A.E.F., France.

5.       2nd Lieut. Walter L. scales, Inf. Co. G, 55 Pioneers.

6.       2nd Lieut. John H. Hall, Inf. Co. A, 1st Pioneers.

7.       2nd Lieut. Donald Phillips, Inf., A.E.F., France.

8.       1st Lieut. Bernard Garrett, M.D., X-Ray, A.E.F., France.

9.       Grady Garrett, Aviation Corps.

10.   Carl Garrett, Ambulance.

11.   1st Lieut. Nathan LeGrand, Inf. Co. K.

12.   1st Lieut. Nash LeGrand, 156 Depot Brigade.

13.   William L. Covington Jr., 615 Aero Squad.

14.   Jim Folkes, Ambulance, A.E.F., France.

15.   Serg’t. Frank Biggs, Artillery Sec., Q.C., N.C.

16.   Serg’t Robert S. Ledbetter, 156 Depot Brigade.

17.   Vann Covington, Camp Sevier, waiting call.

18.   Cecil Smith, Camp Jackson.

19.   Frank Alden, Coast Artillery.

20.   Frank Smith, Enlisted Medical Reserve Corps.

21.   Clifford Steele, Dental Dept.

22.   William T. Haywood, Engineers, Co. B.

23.   Serg’t. Maj. William B. Cole.

24.   Samuel F. Key, 166 Aero Squad.

25.   William C. Key, Artillery Supply Co.

26.   Robert F. Linker, A.E.F., France.

27.   James. T. Lyon, Quartermaster Dept., Transport.

28.   Alex Monroe, Clerical Dept. On way to France.

29.   Robert N. Stansill, Camp Jackson, clerical.

30.   Walter Parsons Jr., Camp Sevier.

31.   James H. Covington Jr., Camp Sevier.

32.   William Harry Entwistle Jr., Camp Sevier.

33.   George G. Simpson, Camp Sevier.

34.   Hal Ledbetter Jr., Naval Reserves.

35.   William Hall, Y.M.C.A.

36.   Fred Taylor, Co. 6, Sec. 3, 4th Reg’t, Naval.

37.   Walter Covington, waiting call, naval.

38.   L.T. Nance, has received notice, waiting call.

39.   Dr. P.M. Abernethy, waiting call, received notice, report July 21st to Camp Lee, Va.

40.   Wm. Leak, acceptance pending; waiting for his physical exam.

41.   Boykin Paschal, son of Mrs. J.W. Leak. Now in France.

42.   Willie Folkes has been called and leaves to-morrow.

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