
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Blood Treatment Requires Pints From Young, Healthy Boys and Girls, 1918

“Greatly Improved,” in The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., August 12, 1918

We are pleased to note that Mr. Woodard who is in Baltimore for treatment is greatly improved. He is there under the care of a specialist and is taking the “Transfusion of Blood treatment.” This treatment means of course the injection of blood in the veins taken from young girls and boys of the healthiest sort maybe furnished the patient. In Mr. Woodard’s case five pints was injected at once. After taking the blood which is treated it is injected into the veins of the arm of the patient, while the one from whom the blood is taken is required to go to bed and remain awhile until they have recovered from the loss thereof. Mr. Herbert Woodard has just returned from a visit to his father and reports that he is greatly improved.

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