
Friday, August 17, 2018

Confederate Veterans' Reunion in Boone Aug. 17-18, 1916

“Program for Confederate Veterans’ Reunion to be Held in Boone on August 17th and 18th,” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., August 3, 1916.

Following is the official program for the 23rd Annual Reunion of Nimrod Triplett Camp No. 1273 U.C.V., of Watauga county, to be held in Boone on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 17th and 18th, 1916:
Meet Thursday at 11 a.m. Called to order by Capt. E.J. Norris. Music. Devotional exercises by chaplain. Roll call. Address of Welcome by Rev. Monroe Gragg. Appoint committee on obituaries. Adjourn for dinner.

Meet 2 p.m. Receive report of Committee on Obituaries. Memorial exercises conducted by Rev. M.L. Carpenter at 2:30 p.m. Adjournment.

Meet Friday at 9 a.m. Call to order. Devotional exercises. Address by Rev. J.H. Farthing at 11 a.m. Election of Company officers for the ensuing year. Adjourn for dinner.

Meet at 2 p.m. Call to order. There will be a march, if any of the old soldiers so desires, and the weather will permit.

The Committee earnestly requests that each old soldier of the Camp will attend the Reunion for in a short time, there will be none of them left to attend these annual meets. There have been six members of the Camp passed over the river since our last meeting, and it will seem as if seven were gone, as our deceased brother, Rev. J.M. Payne, has been a regular attendant for 15 or 16 years, and always had a kind word for each old soldier.

The people in and around the town have expressed a willingness and desire to care for the old soldier, but the committee has decided that if Friday, the 18th, is a favorable day the veterans will take dinner with the out-of-town citizens, and they are requested to bring lunch baskets, well filled, for their repast on that day.

Come, everybody, to the Reunion, as this is election year, and there will be an abundance of speakers chock full of talk on hand.

It is requested that each member of the fife and drum corps be on hand to furnish music for the occasion.
                --E.J. Norris, W.W. Presnell, D.C. Dugger, Reunion Committee

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